Presidential Debate


Strength through joy
Trump was a disaster, contradicting himself several times and just plain lying at many other points.

Makes no difference to the low IQ deplorables who don't care if he is s total fraud.
But none of today's problems can be blamed on Trump's voting record because he is not a career politician .
He is an outsider .
While Hillary has been in power ( directly or indirectly ) for 30+ years and she failed to sway any voters. Actually it looks like she may have lost voters given that only 39% think she is healthy enough to run.


Well-Known Member
Trump was a disaster, contradicting himself several times and just plain lying at many other points.

Makes no difference to the low IQ deplorables who don't care if he is s total fraud.

give me the fraud over the career criminal fraud Hillary any day


Well-Known Member
Errr, have you read the Libertarian platform? It's not socially liberal in the least.

Platform - Oh I don't know - maybe the items listed under 1.0 Personal Liberty and possibly some of the items under 3.0 Securing Liberty. Despite the attempts of the left and Hillary shills to one-up Orwellian language, only one party has consistently supported your right to be free to do what you will with your body, associate with, or marry, whom you choose, truly engage in free speech, etc.. One could also make the case that their fiscal responsibility is socially liberal in that it gives you the freedom to support what you choose, rather than having it mandated.
Government control of social services and welfare does not equal 'socially liberal'


Well-Known Member
Neat idea but what libertarian has ever proven to be anything but a masquerading republican?

I know they are not covered much in the press and not much information is available, but Libertarianism is contrary to quite a bit of what the Republican party stands for. Some Republicans lean libertarian on the fiscal side but only Ron Paul comes close to being Libertarian. It's ironic that on some other forums that I am told that Libertarians are nothing but masquerading democrats. They are neither - they are the only party that believes in personal liberty and freedom. They would eliminate big government and the cronyism that necessarily entails, unlike the two parties. They would allow people to do with their bodies what they choose, unlike the two parties. They support free speech and the constitution, unlike the two parties. They would rein in the excesses of the Military complex, unlike war hawk Hillary and the Republicans.

Don't listen to Hillary's shills.