Presidential debates!! 2012

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Thank you kool-aid drinkers for your interpretation of the debate results last night. When I was a kid, the first thing I did in the morning was go straight to the funnies in the newspaper! Thank you again!

My take-away from the comments of the kool-aid drinkers is that they have very low expectations of their candidate. I have been asking myself how someone can support a president who has done this poorly and now I think I have my answer.

Seeing things through rose-colored glasses tends to make everything look better. Romney did squander some opportunities but this debate was about even. The left will give a resounding win to BO just for showing up. Big deal - again... low expectations. He still has no record.

And Lue C Fur is concise & correct in his assessment of the debate. The story will be Benghazi. It is easy to go back and look at the timeline of video evidence of how everything unfolded with that tragedy.

This story is not going away because of the Benghazi cover-up for political gain.

Foreign policy is not high on the list of what average Americans are most concerned about, but a president who lies is. Just look at Nixon.

Fair minded Americans can and will see right through this cover-up.

Romney will be on his game Monday and have BOs quotes and the timeline done cold. He will paint the picture of a cover-up very well.

Thanks again kool-aid drinkers for the great laughs on the "crushing defeat".

The barometer for who won the debate is (unfortunately) the polls and the unfolding story of Benghazi.


Staff member
Thank you kool-aid drinkers for your interpretation of the debate results last night. When I was a kid, the first thing I did in the morning was go straight to the funnies in the newspaper! Thank you again!

My take-away from the comments of the kool-aid drinkers is that they have very low expectations of their candidate. I have been asking myself how someone can support a president who has done this poorly and now I think I have my answer.

Seeing things through rose-colored glasses tends to make everything look better. Romney did squander some opportunities but this debate was about even. The left will give a resounding win to BO just for showing up. Big deal - again... low expectations. He still has no record.

And Lue C Fur is concise & correct in his assessment of the debate. The story will be Benghazi. It is easy to go back and look at the timeline of video evidence of how everything unfolded with that tragedy.

This story is not going away because of the Benghazi cover-up for political gain.

Foreign policy is not high on the list of what average Americans are most concerned about, but a president who lies is. Just look at Nixon.

Fair minded Americans can and will see right through this cover-up.

Romney will be on his game Monday and have BOs quotes and the timeline done cold. He will paint the picture of a cover-up very well.

Thanks again kool-aid drinkers for the great laughs on the "crushing defeat".

The barometer for who won the debate is (unfortunately) the polls and the unfolding story of Benghazi.
I guess Charles Krauthammer and George Will are both "Kool-aid drinkers" since they both felt that Obama won the debate..


Can't argue the record. Spin how it sounds good to you, but cant argue the numbers.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
It's an issue for partisans to rally around, I just don't see it as something that will really change any votes. The only people I hear trying to make a big deal out of it are people who weren't going to vote for Obama anyway.

This issues is important to the undecided voters and if they would hear all the facts (which is hard with the Lamesteam media) then they would come to the conclusion that Obama and his administration dropped the ball and are trying to cover it all up.

The undecided voters are what matters in this election. If your a Democrat/Liberal you made your mind up 4 years ago regardless of what Obama has done or NOT done the last 4 years. And if your a Republcan/Conservative then you made up your mind 4 years ago that Obama was and is bad for America and will vote for whoever runs against him.


Staff member
This is the 3rd debate in which the "moderator" has markedly helped the Democratic candidate. They've all given more time to Obama and Biden, but last night Candy jumped right in and helped Obama with the "terror act" crap.
The Republican party dropped the ball BIG TIME when they agreed to these three moderators who were anything but impartial.

Who's the moderator for the last debate?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
This is the 3rd debate in which the "moderator" has markedly helped the Democratic candidate. They've all given more time to Obama and Biden, but last night Candy jumped right in and helped Obama with the "terror act" crap.
The Republican party dropped the ball BIG TIME when they agreed to these three moderators who were anything but impartial.

Who's the moderator for the last debate?

The Moderator is another Liberal...Bob Schiefer. Im sure he will give the Messiah the liberal standard of 4 extra mins.



Well-Known Member
This is the 3rd debate in which the "moderator" has markedly helped the Democratic candidate. They've all given more time to Obama and Biden, but last night Candy jumped right in and helped Obama with the "terror act" crap.
The Republican party dropped the ball BIG TIME when they agreed to these three moderators who were anything but impartial.

Who's the moderator for the last debate?

I've not watched any debate but from what I hear, Romney clearly won the first debate so are you saying that the moderator in that debate help Obama lose? And what I hear again from everyone, Biden made an arse of himself so did the moderator help him accomplish that goal?

Lue C Fur

Evil member
I've not watched any debate but from what I hear, Romney clearly won the first debate so are you saying that the moderator in that debate help Obama lose? And what I hear again from everyone, Biden made an arse of himself so did the moderator help him accomplish that goal?

What would you call 4 or more extra mins given to Obama or Biden in the debates??? I see it as an attempt by the Liberal moderators helping the Messiah any way they can.


Staff member
I've not watched any debate but from what I hear, Romney clearly won the first debate so are you saying that the moderator in that debate help Obama lose? And what I hear again from everyone, Biden made an arse of himself so did the moderator help him accomplish that goal?
Romney won the first debate DESPITE the moderator giving Obama 4 extra minutes of time. That is huge.

Lol, and no, Biden made an arse of himself without any help.

All I'm saying is who the hell in the Republican party said, "Oh yeah, Candy will be a great moderator".

Why didn't Obama (being a MAN, and Leader of the Free World), cut Candy off and handle it himself? I'll tell you why. NO TELEPROMPTER. He NEEDED that help.

I think Romney did alright, seeing it was him alone against the Obama/Crowley team.


What would you call 4 or more extra mins given to Obama or Biden in the debates??? I see it as an attempt by the Liberal moderators helping the Messiah any way they can.

Give Obama an hour more...Romney only needs one minute to recite the awful record of Obama.


Romney won the first debate DESPITE the moderator giving Obama 4 extra minutes of time. That is huge.

Lol, and no, Biden made an arse of himself without any help.

All I'm saying is who the hell in the Republican party said, "Oh yeah, Candy will be a great moderator".

Why didn't Obama (being a MAN, and Leader of the Free World), cut Candy off and handle it himself? I'll tell you why. NO TELEPROMPTER. He NEEDED that help.

I think Romney did alright, seeing it was him alone against the Obama/Crowley team.

Obama got saved by Crowley's lie...when pressed by Romney to answer, Obama wouldnt.


Staff member
This issues is important to the undecided voters and if they would hear all the facts (which is hard with the Lamesteam media) then they would come to the conclusion that Obama and his administration dropped the ball and are trying to cover it all up.

I have yet to hear a coherent explanation (ie, one that makes sense outside of the ridiculous Obama-the-secret-muslim echo chamber)of what exactly they are trying to cover up and why. It all sounds like "The president lied! And people died! Benghazi! Coverup! And the president lied!" combined with a lot of nitpicking about semantics and whether "acts of terror" is the same thing as "a terrorist act".

The undecided voters are what matters in this election. If your a Democrat/Liberal you made your mind up 4 years ago regardless of what Obama has done or NOT done the last 4 years. And if your a Republcan/Conservative then you made up your mind 4 years ago that Obama was and is bad for America and will vote for whoever runs against him.
That's one theory, the other one is that the country is so polarized right now that almost everyone who actually cares enough to vote has already made up their mind and what really matters now is the ground game, ie, just getting your people to the voting booth. I completely agree that the majority of voters probably made their decision 4 years ago and haven't changed.


Staff member

That's one theory, the other one is that the country is so polarized right now that almost everyone who actually cares enough to vote has already made up their mind and what really matters now is the ground game, ie, just getting your people to the voting booth. I completely agree that the majority of voters probably made their decision 4 years ago and haven't changed.

x2. Anyone who says they are undecided are lying.


Well-Known Member
Romney won the first debate DESPITE the moderator giving Obama 4 extra minutes of time. That is huge.

Lol, and no, Biden made an arse of himself without any help.

All I'm saying is who the hell in the Republican party said, "Oh yeah, Candy will be a great moderator".

Why didn't Obama (being a MAN, and Leader of the Free World), cut Candy off and handle it himself? I'll tell you why. NO TELEPROMPTER. He NEEDED that help.

I think Romney did alright, seeing it was him alone against the Obama/Crowley team.

As I understand it, both campaigns agree to the moderators, the topics and the questions so it's not that one side can manipulate the process. It has to be mutually agreed.

And let's be honest, when Fox News folks moderate and the democrat does bad, I've seen the same claims you make get thrown out by democrat supporters in order to benefit their side so it goes both ways.