Presidential debates!! 2012


golden ticket member
Maybe next time go with neutral moderators from other countries, people such as Ali Velshi & Piers Morgan and throw in Alex Trebek, too ! :)
Piers is NOT neutral........he thinks you are a racist if you disagree with Obama !!
Maybe ex presidents should be moderators.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Oh, what specifics is the prez. giving you???
We have more specifics on what is in the Romney plan, than we had when this clustermess was passed.
Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube
But I keep forgetting, when its a democrat, its different.
All I heard from Obama was lies. Lies about Libya, lies about fast and furious, Lies about coal, oil and gas permits. But hes spewed it so long I think he actually believes it. I didnt see Obama get under Mitts skin, must havve been a different debate......I saw Obama turn his back on Romney many times, especialoly when he was getting the snot knocked out of him. He lies, Period.


Well-Known Member
Obama's the narcissist.....Romney is real.


Which Romney?

This guy has changed his positions so many times, to get the nomination, to appease this group or that group, on and on and on.

It's a joke.

The irony is that the Mitt Romney you're seeing now (the centrist) is probably closer to the 'real' Mitt Romney, for instance:

He's not lying when he says he thinks abortion should remain legal, or that women should have access to contraception.

(Unlike Paul Ryan, who is the equivalent of the American Taliban, I seriously doubt that Romney desires to impose his religious views on the entire American's just not good Mormanism, and more importantly, it's just not good business).

I doubt he cares about guns one way or another, etc., etc., Mitt will say whatever it takes to get elected, to whomever will listen.

He's a Morman for fks sake, of course he cares about everyone: when he was talking about the 47%, he was referencing the people who he accurately pegged as 'they'll never vote for me anyway', etc. Was it inarticulate? Absolutely. (binders full of women, anyone?).

On economic issues, you can believe him or not:

I think he really wants to fix things, but there's no serious economist that believes he can deliver on everything he's promising (same is true for Obama).


If Romney had just been himself, I might have considered voting for him. If he'd just been himself, the Mormon-Centrist-Business-Leader, socially 'liberal' but fiscally conservative, he would have smoked all those other clowns (Cain? Bachmann? please....).

Honestly, I have no idea who the 'real' Romney is...I have a guess about who that person might be, and my guess about that person is that he would probably make a good President.

Instead, he (or his advisors) decided that the only way he was going to win the nomination was to sign that idiot Norquist's anti-tax pledge, get on his knees for the NRA, the Evangelical militant Christian Right, Karl Rove and Crossroads GPS, and pick P. Diddy Ryan as his running mate...someone who is (I'm guessing) about 180 degrees away from who the 'real' Romney is (maybe? hard to tell).

So he pretty much lost my vote. I sincerely hope he loses the election and goes into seclusion to grandfather his twenty grandkids, or whatever.

He took the wrong lessons from his father's defeat.


golden ticket member

Which Romney?

This guy has changed his positions so many times, to get the nomination, to appease this group or that group, on and on and on.

It's a joke.

The irony is that the Mitt Romney you're seeing now (the centrist) is probably closer to the 'real' Mitt Romney, for instance:

He's not lying when he says he thinks abortion should remain legal, or that women should have access to contraception.

(Unlike Paul Ryan, who is the equivalent of the American Taliban, I seriously doubt that Romney desires to impose his religious views on the entire American's just not good Mormanism, and more importantly, it's just not good business).

I doubt he cares about guns one way or another, etc., etc., Mitt will say whatever it takes to get elected, to whomever will listen.

He's a Morman for fks sake, of course he cares about everyone: when he was talking about the 47%, he was referencing the people who he accurately pegged as 'they'll never vote for me anyway', etc. Was it inarticulate? Absolutely. (binders full of women, anyone?).

On economic issues, you can believe him or not:

I think he really wants to fix things, but there's no serious economist that believes he can deliver on everything he's promising (same is true for Obama).


If Romney had just been himself, I might have considered voting for him. If he'd just been himself, the Mormon-Centrist-Business-Leader, socially 'liberal' but fiscally conservative, he would have smoked all those other clowns (Cain? Bachmann? please....).

Honestly, I have no idea who the 'real' Romney is...I have a guess about who that person might be, and my guess about that person is that he would probably make a good President.

Instead, he (or his advisors) decided that the only way he was going to win the nomination was to sign that idiot Norquist's anti-tax pledge, get on his knees for the NRA, the Evangelical militant Christian Right, Karl Rove and Crossroads GPS, and pick P. Diddy Ryan as his running mate...someone who is (I'm guessing) about 180 degrees away from who the 'real' Romney is (maybe? hard to tell).

So he pretty much lost my vote. I sincerely hope he loses the election and goes into seclusion to grandfather his twenty grandkids, or whatever.

He took the wrong lessons from his father's defeat.
You chose just a partial part of my post to respond to. Look at post #300 . There is a link to watch the real Romney. But rather than have your question would rather hassle me for more.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Romney was being himself, that's the problem. Look at old videos. I swear, I was anticipating his hand gestures last night. He is always rehearsed. He hasn't changed since at least high school.

He surrounds himself with the worst the Republicans have to offer. John Bolton as Sec State? Cofer Black, Michael Hayden, Dan Senor or John Lehma running policy?

Willard's kids are still young enough to enlist, I have a feeling we'll need every able bodied man, and more than a couple women.