Presidential debates!! 2012


Staff member
I would like to know why people on the right can't just accept that Romney wasn't as good last night instead of blaming the moderator.


Staff member
And let's be honest, when Fox News folks moderate and the democrat does bad, I've seen the same claims you make get thrown out by democrat supporters in order to benefit their side so it goes both ways.
I agree. So once again, what stupid Republican agreed to FOUR moderators who will all favor Obama? Seems to me he could have held out for one debate with a moderator from a non-biased source like FoxNews. :wink2:


Staff member
I would like to know why people on the right can't just accept that Romney wasn't as good last night instead of blaming the moderator.
Lol, I seem to remember TOS saying Obama won the first debate, so it goes both ways.

Do you agree that the Moderators helped Obama by giving him extra time? And do you agree that Crowley stepped right in to help Obama with the terror question?


Für Meno :)
Maybe next time go with neutral moderators from other countries, people such as Ali Velshi & Piers Morgan and throw in Alex Trebek, too ! :)


Staff member
Lol, I seem to remember TOS saying Obama won the first debate, so it goes both ways.

Do you agree that the Moderators helped Obama by giving him extra time? And do you agree that Crowley stepped right in to help Obama with the terror question?

I'm not sure how you score time accurately with both talking over each other so much of the time. That being said, Romney got caught up in his own talking point that was factually incorrect. And Crowley didn't leave it there. She did point out the administration's two week long labored explanation. So how does that "help" Obama?


Staff member
I'm not sure how you score time accurately with both talking over each other so much of the time. That being said, Romney got caught up in his own talking point that was factually incorrect. And Crowley didn't leave it there. She did point out the administration's two week long labored explanation. So how does that "help" Obama?
I really liked how Obama asked her to repeat it a little louder, and she was so happy to oblige. You don't think that was helping Obama???


Well-Known Member
I agree. So once again, what stupid Republican agreed to FOUR moderators who will all favor Obama? Seems to me he could have held out for one debate with a moderator from a non-biased source like FoxNews. :wink2:

Why don't you let me moderate as I'm for neither one for sure? Wait, I'm not non-biased as I'd ask the questions neither of them want asked so that wouldn't work either. And this again proves there are no non-biased source to begin with.

On the point about "what republican?" In your original quote you asked "who in the republican party" but the real question is, "Who in the Romney campaign ...." and that's the one you should be asking since you think there's a problem.


Staff member
Why don't you let me moderate as I'm for neither one for sure? Wait, I'm not non-biased as I'd ask the questions neither of them want asked so that wouldn't work either. And this again proves there are no non-biased source to begin with.

I'm all in for you moderating the next one.

These debates are meaningless
They are in the aspect that everyone already knows who they're voting for. If you're undecided, you're on another planet.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Romney won the first debate DESPITE the moderator giving Obama 4 extra minutes of time. That is huge.

Lol, and no, Biden made an arse of himself without any help.

All I'm saying is who the hell in the Republican party said, "Oh yeah, Candy will be a great moderator".

Why didn't Obama (being a MAN, and Leader of the Free World), cut Candy off and handle it himself? I'll tell you why. NO TELEPROMPTER. He NEEDED that help.

I think Romney did alright, seeing it was him alone against the Obama/Crowley team.

I would have liked to be a fly on the wall during the negotiations of the rules and moderators.

I do think that being the moderator is an extremely tough job because of who you are dealing with. How pointed can you really get with the President of the United States? It is easier to go after the challenger.

BUT - Candy flat out showed extreme bias when she cut off Romney from making his point on Benghazi. I think that her credibility was hurt last night. If she hadn't interjected that comment, I don't think you would see much criticism of how she handled the debate.

I actually thought there were a lot of good pointed questions. I felt bad for some of the folks, you could see how nervous some of them were. Candy and her team picked the questions. I did not see any real bias other than the comment.

As for each candidate going over the time limit.... maybe they should have someone who monitors the clock and at 10 minutes before, who ever is down in minutes gets that extra time for a closing remark. That might keep them on point. The mikes could also be programmed to go off after a certain time to keep them on point. They could also have two moderators who tag team segments to be watchdogs for each other.


Staff member
I really liked how Obama asked her to repeat it a little louder, and she was so happy to oblige. You don't think that was helping Obama???

Not nearly as much as Romney teeing it up for him. It's something that is easily fact checked and has been left out of the republican narrative since day one. Almost like Obama was baiting him into a time and place where he could confront the fiction for all to see. Now why did Romney take the bait? I think he couldn't help himself and tripped over his own perceived momentum.


golden ticket member
All these political experts said debates don't matter....they are all backtracking their comment now......Hume, Beckle are 2 I can mention right away.