ONE solution to this issue Hoaxter...... TWO SEPARATE CONTRACTS... One for the FT and one for the PT.
I used to be naive enough to believe that we had one contract because of "Solidarity", "Brotherhood", and all the other "feel good" Union terms you can think of.
Ask me know (now), and I would say; "The reason we have one contract is plain and simple, there would be no "lambs" to sacrifice" in either contract.
BTW stated that PT vote at less than 20%..(which could mean up to 19.99%). You also state that PT represent about 10 - 15% of the FINAL vote. My cynical side has to wonder what happens to the 15+%-19.99% of the PT vote? You do have me interested in knowing the actual and "official" final vote breakdown. Wouldn't be surprised to find the unopened PT envelopes buried in a landfill..... (other comments about landfill and JHSr. self-moderated) Thank you for keeping this pot stirred