Well why do we care what the Dixie Chicks think?
Not only were The Dixie Chicks dead on about Pres Bush, they were labeled as un-patriotic and un-american for their criticism of the POTUS. Using this logic today, the outspoken righties may as well take off their lapel pins, Paul Revere hats, and red white and blue sweatshirts as they wish this President failure, even-though he's righting the sinking ship he was inherited...
I think Ted appeals to us because he says what we believe on the so called right.
As a young naive headbanger, he's appealing....then I grew up....I can't see why he appeals to anyone who's matured...
As a mediocre gutarist, and a Hunter advocate, he appeals to me to....as a politician, or a NRA lobbiest, he's an irritating A-hole looking for attention who hasn't a rew album in 2 decades...IMO of course...
Its about roots, its about pride in country, respect for our men and women in service, and wanting to keep the Usa the good ole USA.
Keep the USA in the good ole boy network ?....lol...What is this NASCAR ?
Here's where we are miles apart....the right has this mythological claim that only their network has patents on country pride, military, and freedom....Where do you get these idea's from ? Is it the flag flying behind Sean's shoulder on his TV show ? Is it flag pins ? Is it Charlie Daniel's "The South gonna do it again"....
I will go back to clinging to my guns, and hugging my bible.
And really why take someone in Hollywood seriously, unless of course they make sense. And none of the above mentioned other than Ted, Do.
Ted makes sense alright, bringing his draft dodging ass on stage with his machine guns trying to make up for his chickenhawk reputation....Let's face it, only the people who rt wingers agree with makes sense in Hollywood, like Reagan, John Thompson, Dennis Miller, and Jon Voight
Is that like "If you disagree with Obama, you are a racist"?
That is the Liberals mantra.
Not the Liberal mantra...try the birther mantra, the Kenya mantra, and the anti-Muslim mantra
Tooner...women like you received an adoring tribute from the Motor City Jackass, Ted Nugent. Rt wing women, like Palin must be so proud to be praised by the has-been rocker whose last album featured a woman in bondage, on a platter like a pig, with a hand grenade stuck in her mouth.