profits to management!! WHY??



OK2, Excellent post.

"The bottom line is overworking the driver increases your profits (goodie for you)in the short run at the expense of any incentive for them to help increase, or even maintain the business.."

Why can't they see this?? I'll start handing in sales leads again when my dispatch is consistently below 9.5. I'll start giving a damn as soon as they do. I'll work with them as soon as they want to start working together.
Till then, I'm tired and I really don't care about growing or even maintaining the business.


"If you REALLY have too much work, your supervisor will get that stop picked up"

YOU live in a dream world...



Pickups arent a problem. We make those, we just dont make service on the stuff thats been paid for.

Division Manager? This company generates more reports than NASA. ALL the managers are aware of missed pieces.

Enron, MCI? Didnt the executives of those companies go to jail for lying about the value of their respective companies?

Eskew? Jim Casey himself said you cant be a big man until youve been a little man. Again, Mike needs to get his hands dirty.


Sorry, I can' Almost time for my transfusion as well.


I just like how UPS is trusting Fredex and DHL numbers to tell us that our volume is eroding. No I'm not myopic.

Yes, it's true you can sure tell who is brainwashed on this topic.

And you know what really pisses me off is how many UPSers are giving too many props to the competition. Hell, we are the leaders, the standard, etc.

(Message edited by rushfan on July 27, 2005)


Wrong Tie guy the only ones riding around in an empty truck is DHL and Fedex ground, I walk in with a hand cart full with boxes falling off and here comes DHL jumping out of the truck with pkg in hand, when they pass me going the other way with their bulkhead do open, there is nothing on the shelf to I dont mind some over time but getting 3hrs overtime in one day is a joke,the last I heard xmas was not in July..and that is giving 20.1 stops an Ive had it up to here with over dispatching. From here out if I have excessive work on my truck I will Grieve it and I will also document the laod by taking pix with my phone and contacting HR with the problem every time Iam over say then give the sales lead to Fedex so I can ride around in an empty no like I said the next time the "Boss" gives me to much work I will Grieve it and Document it..see unlike you I have a LIFE outside UPS and I intend to protect my free time away from UPS and hopefully enhance in the next contract, see with me it's God Family work, with you it's UPS UPS UPS. Hopefully Unions will bring out a social referendum like they did in the 30' 40's and 50's with things like minimium wage that affected the general population and not just union memebers, this time hopefully they introduce to congress a mandatory 45hr work week, anything beyond that is voluntary but not mandatory, I can see this comming, Americans work the longest work week in the world, it use to be Japan....unfortunately you wouldnt be able to take advanage of this as most management are ki** a** and will do anything to get reconized,including a 60hr work week, enough ranting I'll just Grieve it and Document


"Hmmm, I sound like a textbook for Mom and Applepie"

No, just the same old re-run inaccurate crap that has been used to try to scare the naive for decades and decades.

There is no history to repeat, our workforce is NOTHING like Railway Express was.

So it's a BS example and always has been.

And yes, I remember all those companies where dishonest upper management killed the company and screwed all their hard working honest employees.

What are you saying that our management is just as dishonest?


Speeddemon, actually there are a number of issues being debated in this thread by various people. Rather than claiming we are all brainwashed, Id like to hear your opinion on any these topics.

Heres some of mine:

Driver hours. In my opinion, drivers should not be forced to work overtime if they dont want to. If your normal day is 8.5 hours, and all of a sudden you get a 10 hour day that you dont want to work, why dont you give 30 package to me(your supervisor), so we can both go home early. How does not affect your job? How does it affect the union?

UPSdude made two stops at the same location. First for air, then for ground. What if I empowered him to make a decision on delivering both at the same time given the constraint that all air needs to make service? If he does deliver both and misses service on an air package, what are my remedies? How do I hold him accountable without a grievance?

Some of the other stuff I cant give an opinion on because I dont know all the facts. Unlike some on the board, I will not blindly support management or the union....I find the facts and form my own opinion.....which of course could be wrong- we are only human! :-)


You realize its possible your long work days may be from our gaining volume back from Fdx and Dhl and not being able to adjust quickly enough? I am hearing of districts down as many as 100 drivers right now. Needless to say that puts a crush on everyone.

Question though has to be do we really stop fighting for those packages simply because our route/building or district may be blown out?



How about considering that 22 quarters have passed since we went public. If the stock had remained private, and gone up $2 a quarter (not unreasonable, given the history), we would be further ahead now. I was in pre-IPO, so Im not complaining, but quite a few people bought in at considerably more that $60/share. In fact, I just did a 5 year comparison of UPS, FDX, YELL, and OVNT, and we are the worst performing of the lot, by far.

As far as you comment of oil going down and pilots signing a contract, do you think that either one of those is going to happen soon? The pilots have been in negotiation for over three years without getting an offer from UPS! Furthermore, youd better get used to $60 oil, we will never seen $30 again(IMO).


You cant blame analysts for the stock price. The stock is worth what investors will pay, free market sets the value. Any blame for failure to trade at a higher value rests solely on the BOD. At some point UPS management, top to bottom, has to shoulder the responsibility for EVERYTHING in the company. It seems as if it is always someone else with UPS, either the fuel, or the lazy Teamsters or some Wall Street idiot, never poor decisions made internally.

Too nice a day for this.




one of the driving forces behind company stock going public was the threat of a lawsuit by retirees claiming that the BOD artificially kept the stock price low thereby cheating them out of extra bucks. once stock went public the retirees had no case, as the market now sets the value of the stock price. there could have easily been merit in their case, shareholders' values almost tripled after going public.
so the lesson here should be: buy stock via DESPP (Discount Employee Stock Purchase Plan), get sales leads, and handle every package like it was your own.


TieGuy---Question though has to be do we really stop fighting for those packages simply because our route/building or district may be blown out?

If our planes are full do we stop getting new air business---or invest in Larger or more planes?? The Brown machine needs to be fed---sounds like there may be some local issues, which I do beleive are temporary and will be fixed. If not, I am sure you will see some new faces at the Dist Mgr and Div Mgr levels!! There needs to be some money spent on Capital Investments to expand some of our buildings in my district--unfortunately the request to spend money corporately has been delayed so we can continue to show a profit----can't spend money because we have shareholders and Wall Street to answer to!!


It would be nice if the issue was "surprised by too much business growth", but the truth is upper management has mandated dishonestly upped the standards (that neither the driver nor the center management team can possibly achieve) and cutting routes out where there are available drivers and non-red tagged package cars sitting on the side of the building, causing many missed (but trackable
) packages in the name of short term profit.

There are days when we actually run out of package cars and we blew out of the building from an efficiency standpoint (loading in the aisles, etc) a decade ago with no plans to budget money on these expenditures in the foreseable future.

None of this excuses not trying to grow the business, but upper management needs a serious reality check evaluation regarding many relatively recent policy decisions involving both the hourly and center level management and how they affect our long term viability as a cohesive service force.

Because, despite the encouraging profit of such as the logistic division, if the core industry dies, essentially so will go the rest of the organization.


I don't quite understand the nickel and dime stuff either. Here in Louisville, they can't build fast enough....a huge cartage facility, new airline operations center (the GOC-name to be laughed at in another thread), runway expansions, and other things that I'm not sure are public yet, so I won't mention them. Rest assured, we are expanding heavily for air packages and freight. Unfortunately, that appears to limit the money UPS will spend on everyday operations equipment. It amazes me everyday I drive by the center near me, how tight the package cars are in the building. I swear there must be an overhead crane that parks these things every night. Kudos to those drivers that get in and out of there! The point is, we are spending ALOT preparing for international and high-margin packages and freight. Hopefully, UPS will do the same for the centers.


Driver hours. In my opinion, drivers should not be forced to work
overtime if they don't want to. If your normal day is 8.5 hours, and
all of a sudden you get a 10 hour day that you don't want to work, why
don't you give 30 package to me(your supervisor), so we can both go
home early. How does not affect your job? How does it affect the

Or, UPS hires the needed drivers. Heres a better idea, let the CENTER MANAGER decide how many routes he needs, not IE. We have Package Planners in our district. Each center has a certified calculator carrying pencil pushing IE guy that decides how many routes go on the road each day. What are we paying this guy?

UPSdude made two stops at the same location. First for air, then for
ground. What if I empowered him to make a decision on delivering both
at the same time given the constraint that all air needs to make
service? If he does deliver both and misses service on an air package,
what are my remedies? How do I hold him accountable without a

I CANT run the air and ground together without late air. How do I sell One Truck to a customer as they wave bye to their ground pieces. Were no different than FedEx in that respect.


I think it would help a lot if the center manager would hold a pcm and TELL US THE TRUTH...

"I'm sorry guys, but I'm nothing but a figurehead now; a puppet whos strings are held by IE"


"Its obvious this relooping thing is a horrible disaster. We'll be going back to actually servicing our customers today"


"Its unsafe to make you guys work 10+ hours every day, so we're going to do the right thing and add some routes"

What do you think? Any chance of honesty from the management team? Even if they tell us, "Sorry, but we're going to force excessive OT down your throats for the rest of your career". JUST GIVE US SOME HONESTY!!!


Its about time to see the light. They dont really care if you work late every night. The only concern is the production numbers. Less cars, more stops, satellite centers, Over 9.5 problems , Supervisors working all of these things will make the Company more money at the cost of the employee. Most Employees dont understand what an advantage the Employee has over the Supervisors. They must follow the contract the Employee must work hard and do quality work...... They violate the contract many many many times a day someone needs to challege them.


Gameover---the comment that they don't care if you work late everynight..........would this have something to do with the Mandetory 1 hour lunch period that you have to take-----which YOU approved...and now you are complaining about having to work longer hours??

I think that there are things that management would love to do---but the Union has taken away some of the flexibility needed to put them into practice........if it weren't some darn expensive to put on a new driver ($900 a month to the Union for Health and Welfare?---do the math--is it cheaper to pay overtime or hire another driver?)



You are complaining that you have to give us an unpaid lunch break.

Personally, you sound like the reason we needed a union in the first place.

If only you had the flexibility to do with us as you wished you would be happier, but I doubt if we the people, would be.