ok2b----I am just saying that many of the drivers that I speak to would like the flexibility to take their lunch---OR NOT---and be home with their family---or doing other things instead of taking a 1 hour lunch.
You don't agree that is expensive to hire another driver? I have been a Package Driver in a district where their is no OT----and have also driven in another district where it is o.k. to work 12 hour days--just don't go over 60 in a week! I agree with the union concept---but disagree with some of the things that are forced on "everyone"
The driver is "UPS" in the customers eyes and it is important for each and all to project a positive image to the customer---there definitely needs to be a middle ground regarding dispatch--which has always been and always will be a topic that is at the top of every drivers list!!
I am also aware of efforts to reduce the paid day and have known of several drivers who wanted the $$$$$$$$ to work the longer days!!!
You don't agree that is expensive to hire another driver? I have been a Package Driver in a district where their is no OT----and have also driven in another district where it is o.k. to work 12 hour days--just don't go over 60 in a week! I agree with the union concept---but disagree with some of the things that are forced on "everyone"
The driver is "UPS" in the customers eyes and it is important for each and all to project a positive image to the customer---there definitely needs to be a middle ground regarding dispatch--which has always been and always will be a topic that is at the top of every drivers list!!
I am also aware of efforts to reduce the paid day and have known of several drivers who wanted the $$$$$$$$ to work the longer days!!!