Prominent REPUBLICANS now actively supporting HILLARY CLINTON!!!


Nine Lives
Do you still hold on to the fiction that 'the Donald' is a self-made man?
I think he has been bankrupt 4 times so he had to start over 4 times.
He remade himself 4 times it sounds like to me.

"Trump Filed for Bankruptcy 4 Times"
PolitiFact - Mostly True.jpg

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina criticized Trump’s history of bankruptcies in his businesses.

"You know, there are a lot of us Americans who believe that we are going to have trouble someday paying back the interest on our debt because politicians have run up mountains of debt using other people's money," Fiorina said. "That is in fact precisely the way you ran your casinos. You ran up mountains of debt, as well as losses, using other people's money, and you were forced to file for bankruptcy not once, not twice, four times."

Trump doesn’t deny that four of his businesses have filed for bankruptcy. He argues, however, that filing for bankruptcy is a common business decision, and he was smart to make the moves when he did.

"Hundreds of companies" have filed for bankruptcy, Trump said earlier in the debate. "I used the law four times and made a tremendous thing. I'm in business. I did a very good job."

Can countries go bankrupt?
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Well-Known Member
The cancer that is DRUMPF is working perfectly! The republican party is being destroyed week by week, and now, they are desperate to save the party and cut out DRUMPF..

Republican Letter Calls For RNC to Cut Funds to Donald Trump

Best thing to ever happen to the democrats in 2016.... DONALD DRUMPF.


same old tired stop trump folks trying same old tired tactics. keep praying. oh that's right you're a non-believer. in that case you're screwed.


Engorged Member
The cancer that is DRUMPF is working perfectly! The republican party is being destroyed week by week, and now, they are desperate to save the party and cut out DRUMPF..

Republican Letter Calls For RNC to Cut Funds to Donald Trump

Best thing to ever happen to the democrats in 2016.... DONALD DRUMPF.


So true. The "savior" of the party is killing the party. What they're discovering is that most Americans don't care for "out of the box" in their Presidents. The Tea Party fringe loves him, but most people have enough sense to know Trump isn't qualified for the job and would be incredibly dangerous if he actually won.

That isn't going to happen, despite all of the claims that Trump will win in a landslide. Sure, if Hillary gets buried in one. Maybe, but probably not even then. He is that hated.


Where did you hear Fred Trump had that much wealth at his death?

I've heard he had just over $200 million.

Divided between 4-5 kids is about $40 - $50 million.

Did the kids get it or did he donate in to homeless cats?
I was going off memory and was incorrect. The figures I read recently were $250 to 300 million, not 500 million. Regardless, that money doesn't just evaporate, and doesn't change my overall point which is that Donald Trump may be a good businessman, in those circles - can't deny that - but he was never once threatened in any way of losing his fortune, simply because he has a lifestyle and financial cushion that was basically unmatched.