Prominent REPUBLICANS now actively supporting HILLARY CLINTON!!!


Nine Lives
Mainstream = Establishment = Rinos = Globalists = Democrat.

Trump is upsetting the apple cart.

And some people will fight like hell to keep that apple cart just the way it is.
If being president was just about economics and reducing waste, I would vote for Trump before Hillary.
I can't of good conscience vote for Mr Reckless or Mrs Criminal.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If being president was just about economics and reducing waste, I would vote for Trump before Hillary.
I can't of good conscience vote for Mr Reckless or Mrs Criminal.
In over 40 years of running his company, please give us some examples of his RECKLESSNESS.


Nine Lives
Because you called him reckless.

Reckless with what?

If you insist (sigh)
Trump Airlines comes to mind.
Atlantic City Trump Investments is another.

The essence of Trump's business success is taking huge risks where others fear to tread.
Make a huge amount on a few but losing everything on the others ... all while using others money.
I have a lot of respect for his business savvy.

PS - Note to self: Don't reply to @realbrown1's posts.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If you insist (sigh)
Trump Airlines comes to mind.
Atlantic City Trump Investments is another.

The essence of Trump's business success is taking huge risks where others fear to tread.
Make a huge amount on a few but losing everything on the others ... all while using others money.
I have a lot of respect for his business savvy.

He has made hundreds of investments.

Started dozens of companies.

And you name a whopping 2 bad investments.

He has a 97% business success rate.

And you call him reckless?

That's like calling Joe Montana a mediocre quarterback.

And Joe Montana wasn't as successful in football as Trump has been at business.

So you are not voting for Trump because a couple of bad investments out of hundreds of investments?

OK, but I fail to follow the logic.

BTW, how many bad decisions has Hillary made?


Inordinately Right

He has made hundreds of investments.

Started dozens of companies.

And you name a whopping 2 bad investments.

He has a 97% business success rate.

And you call him reckless?

That's like calling Joe Montana a mediocre quarterback.

And Joe Montana wasn't as successful in football as Trump has been at business.

So you are not voting for Trump because a couple of bad investments out of hundreds of investments?

OK, but I fail to follow the logic.

BTW, how many bad decisions has Hillary made?
How bout a casino failing so badly that his daddy had to send his lawyer down to the floor to illegally buy millions of dollars in chips that would never be cashed in, just so the big orange baby could pay the bills.....
No worries that it's against the law, because he can afford to pay the fines.

It's not so much about the bad investments, it's about the attitude of a silver spoon daddy's boy that knew no matter what he did, he would be bailed out. Who's going to bail out his bad ideas if he becomes president?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
How bout a casino failing so badly that his daddy had to send his lawyer down to the floor to illegally buy millions of dollars in chips that would never be cashed in, just so the big orange baby could pay the bills.....

It's not so much about the bad investments, it's about the attitude of a silver spoon daddy's boy that knew no matter what he did, he would be bailed out. Who's going to bail out his bad ideas if he becomes president?
Jealous much?

Being rich is not illegal or immoral.

Hillary is a criminal and a liar.

She lied under oath to congress about her e-mails.

She won't make it to November.


Inordinately Right
Jealous much?

Being rich is not illegal or immoral.

Hillary is a criminal and a liar.

She lied under oath to congress about her e-mails.

She won't make it to November.
Reading comprehension bro.
He broke the law. The penalty was a fine, which he can afford, so he chose to break it.
It was illegal.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Reading comprehension bro. He broke the law. The penalty was a fine, which he can afford, so he chose to break it.
It was illegal.
I got a speeding ticket once.

I paid a fine.

But neither I nor Trump lied to congress while under oath.

That will get some prison time.


Inordinately Right
I got a speeding ticket once.

I paid a fine.

But neither I nor Trump lied to congress while under oath.

That will get some prison time.
If your basis for who will make a good president starts with who isn't as bad as Hillary, you're going to get exactly what you deserve.

He broke the law, because laws don't apply to the super rich like him. And here you are defending him, while he laughs at you from his tower.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If your basis for who will make a good president starts with who isn't as bad as Hillary, you're going to get exactly what you deserve.

He broke the law, because laws don't apply to the super rich like him. And here you are defending him, while he laughs at you from his tower.
Defending him?


It just wasn't that big of a deal.

I mean it's not like he let 4 people die in Benghazi or anything.


Inordinately Right
Defending him?


It just wasn't that big of a deal.

I mean it's not like he let 4 people die in Benghazi or anything.
You let 4 people die Benghazi. You did nothing to save those CIA agents that were trading illegal weapons with terrorists. You just sat in your camouflage lazyboy and watched bill oreilly. You basically killed them yourself. Just sayin' :laugh:.


Jealous much?

Being rich is not illegal or immoral.
No, but it is also not a reason to vote for someone, especially when they were no where near self-made.
I think you can learn a lot about someone by their background. Have you ever read about his father Fred or his grandfather? They were *extremely* wealthy, ruthless, "savvy", and by no means model citizens. In fact at one point I read Donald Trumps father was brought up on all kinds of charges for real estate fraud and the FHA post, WII.

10 point

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