PT Air Drivers Losing Their Jobs!!!

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
ew CDL ? pee in a cup! NO WAY

Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
That's a ton of hours

It’s amateur hour all over the place. Establishment media cannot be taken seriously anymore in this country. Even if this were true which it’s not, you don’t take one guy and use it as your sample size to write a national article! This is propaganda! Disgraceful! They’re not good at their jobs. They need to be fired!
It’s amateur hour all over the place. Establishment media cannot be taken seriously anymore in this country. Even if this were true which it’s not, you don’t take one guy and use it as your sample size to write a national article! This is propaganda! Disgraceful! They’re not good at their jobs. They need to be fired!
So many news articles I read has so many bad facts


Years ago every package car was washed every night. Those on rural routes with gravel roads were hosed out every night. The package cars in the city were cleaned out as needed and all glass inside and outside were cleaned. May sound like over kill but today no one takes any pride in any job they may have. Just do the least you can get away with and cash that paycheck.

I had a division manager tell me
If your package car hasn’t been washed don’t take it out of the building
Theo was in the middle 1980’s


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I had a division manager tell me
If your package car hasn’t been washed don’t take it out of the building
Theo was in the middle 1980’s
Back when appearance mattered.

Those guys would stroke out if they seen today's crew with the tats, bad facial hair, and looking woefully out of shape.


Strength through joy
It would be a bump in pay.

As a "red circled" pre-1982 employee, you would maintain your rate of pay if you bid a 22.3

air combo. A regular inside-inside 22.3 job.... not so much.
I was a pre-1982 combo.
My inside rate stayed the same, But I lost $5/hr every time I drove an air pickup route.
My last mgr kept me on the road all day and my rates stayed the same.
{ He was "borrowing" me from my inside gig to have me run off misloads between drivers. }
{ I started at 11 am and the woman who dispatched me left at 2 pm, leaving out there with nothing to do until my first drop box pickup. }


Don’t worry he’s friendly
Back when appearance mattered.

Those guys would stroke out if they seen today's crew with the tats, bad facial hair, and looking woefully out of shape.
Nothing stopping them from bringing it back.
Wouldn’t surprise me since management been picky about everything last 2 months