supervisors who do hourly work do so for a reason. sometimes its staffing shortages sometimes it because they do a poor job of training and holding their people accountable.
I don't disagree that there are some circumstances when the supervisors should step in and handle some packages, but if those situations are anything more then rare then something needs to be fixed. We have 5 people on our belt and everyday our supervisor is having to fill in for someone that is either 15+ minutes late, or someone that decides that 10 minutes after break is a better time to use the bathroom, or someone that "mysteriously" has to leave 30 minutes early for something. Obviously I am pointing out that terrible coworker work ethic is alot to blame and as others on here can probably agree to, not giving people a choice is often the best way of fixing their bad habits (the fix being eliminating their easy non union supervisor help). Even when we have 100% attendance and the work load isnt overburdening, the sup has gotten so use to acting like a part time hourly that he can't help him self but handle packages wherever he sees the opportunity. The process of fixing all this can start by setting an ultimatum with the sups that they are not to touch packages unless its an emergency situation. By accomplishing that my coworkers will realize that a non union member isnt readily available to cover for them or pick up their slack and they will have to be better with their attendance and work ethic, or else yes possibly face punishment. What has resulted is the sups have turned into PT preloaders that just have a few extra misc tasks. Both management and other part timers have gotten use to treating the sups as just other part time hourlies and the sups have become just another hand to handle work. If this results in some employees getting fired because they cant handle a reasonable work load because the supervisor isnt picking up their slack anymore then so be it. If the supervisor stops handling packages and workers are working hard and are still getting swamped but the management refuses to reduce their work load then let the supervisor and employee file a grievance for unsafe work conditions.
Like I said before almost all of my coworkers would rather the supervisor help because they are all thinking short term and how the supervisors help will get them through that avalanche of packages for that day. Few of them are thinking long term and how the elimination of supervisors working will mean less work can be done which means work load will have to be reduced or the work wont get done on time. My coworkers just get upset at the rediculous work load but can't relate how supervisors working is only increasing the work load.
If in the process of getting supervisors to stop working it now means the slackers are now made to do their job. Are you prepared to look those that get fired in the eye and tell them it was good for the union?
Do you think the agreement of supervisors not working and not taking away work from hourlies is a bad thing? If the hourlies are slacking and sitting idly by while supervisors handle the work then it seems as if they arent obeying the contract themselves.