Well-Known Member
I love running routes out of rentals for exactly the reasons you mentioned. Our rentals are put on extended routes that usually go out with 35-60 stops. I literally have to talk myself out of quitting when I get stuck in-town during peak.
I can see that on a high ratio windshield time route.
In '13 I was part of a ready team that dug OKC out from an ice storm just before Christmas. I ran a tight suburban resi route of about 160-170 stops out of a U-haul. The kicker was because the building was too small for the number of routes we were running we had to run a second preload and did not leave the building till about 13:00. If your center ever asks you to do something like that, ask if the guy that gets his fingernails pulled out one by one position is already taken. I would have jumped at it had it been available...