Question about vacation pay


Fight the power.
I don't have his number and I don't go in till 6:30pm.Like I said, I just left, and saw that my vacation time wasn't put in.

I wasn't trying to turn this into a discussion about the various ways hub operating.

I just wanted to know if there was any way I could get my vacation check(s) before my vacation was over.

I figured maybe somebody on this board may have had a similar experience.
Sleeve_meet_Heart already answered the question for me.
Unless drivers in his center start a 6:30. I'd say Dave is right for once.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot more flexibility regarding vacations w/PTers; that bring said, you gave them very little notice yet expect the check to be there waiting for you. It don't work that way.


Well-Known Member
Regardless....I've never heard of picking vacations two weeks in advance.

Where I'm at we can pick 2-3 weeks in advanced. Usually I give a month notice at least if I'm going out of town or have something to do that week.

For some reason our time off doesn't appear on our paychecks. It just says 0.0 beside each section, excluding option week. This causes PTers into thinking they only have an option week, instead of, on top of the option week, a week vacation after 1 year, 2 weeks after 2 years, 2 option days after 2 years and so on.


Well-Known Member
I guess I am more important to the operation, because they need a whole year notice to try to figure out how to struggle through my vacations


Pineapple King
On a side note, whether you get paid on time or not you'd better make sure they code you out as vacation or you may not get your bennies covered.


That’s Craptacular
Where I'm at we can pick 2-3 weeks in advanced. Usually I give a month notice at least if I'm going out of town or have something to do that week.

For some reason our time off doesn't appear on our paychecks. It just says 0.0 beside each section, excluding option week. This causes PTers into thinking they only have an option week, instead of, on top of the option week, a week vacation after 1 year, 2 weeks after 2 years, 2 option days after 2 years and so on.
I guess it depends on your region and supplement. We don't have option weeks here...and our vacation hrs are listed as such on our paychecks. And we pick our vacation weeks the year before.


Well-Known Member
To the OP there IS a set time.....

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