Question for Local 89 Brothers and Sisters?


Well-Known Member

I've got two and they will be fine. Every generation thinks it's the worst or the hardest.

Luckily you probably make some decent money to provide for them. Not sure of your status at UPS.

Also luckily our union has negotiated some good benefits you can share with them.

I hope one day I will feel comfortable having kids cause I want to, just not any time soon. Human condition plays a big part in that but it's also mainly that I'm not stable enough for that yet. I'm still a young guy.
Luckily you probably make some decent money to provide for them. Not sure of your status at UPS.

Also luckily our union has negotiated some good benefits you can share with them.

I hope one day I will feel comfortable having kids cause I want to, just not any time soon. Human condition plays a big part in that but it's also mainly that I'm not stable enough for that yet. I'm still a young guy.
My status is listed under my username. I started out like you but I watched and learned plus waited my turn.


Well-Known Member
My status is listed under my username. I started out like you but I watched and learned plus waited my turn.

Do you have a good number of stops every day? Good hours? Lot of over time or no? I guess they have that list you can request 8 hour days or whatever.

Do you ever wish you had more time and energy for your family?

Most people I talk to say the amount of money is worth the time and body sacrifice. Not sure how I feel about driving, haven't done that. Did a little helping. You guys definitely earn every last penny.

If you work in a good hub that has good loads and good "dispatch" i think it's called UPS would be great. Some hubs are better than others.
Do you have a good number of stops every day? Good hours? Lot of over time or no? I guess they have that list you can request 8 hour days or whatever.

Do you ever wish you had more time and energy for your family?

Most people I talk to say the amount of money is worth the time and body sacrifice. Not sure how I feel about driving, haven't done that. Did a little helping. You guys definitely earn every last penny.

If you work in a good hub that has good loads and good "dispatch" i think it's called UPS would be great. Some hubs are better than others.
I consider everything I have a gift from God. I am more fortunate than I can say with actual words. God graced me. Ups can be a hard life but I truly except it and make the best of it. People like to complain but how about talking about the positives. It rubs off just like negativity.


Well-Known Member
I consider everything I have a gift from God. I am more fortunate than I can say with actual words. God graced me. Ups can be a hard life but I truly except it and make the best of it. People like to complain but how about talking about the positives. It rubs off just like negativity.
I need to work on releasing my negativity most definitely. Abandoning and banishing it even.

It starts with my beliefs. Problem is a lot of the beliefs I truly hold, no one could be happy having that stuff float around their mind.

You're right. Even THE MOST worst off Americans probably have it 10x better than people in countries I've never seen with my own eyes. I should be thankful for that. I am.

I guess an important thing to remember is that all we have is hope. But being passive may not be a good thing either...

I don't have any answers. I know complaining isn't healthy. But I argue that adjusting your mindset to accept and move on might not be healthy either. But I'm just a young twerp who doesn't know :censored2:.

The system just hasn't broken me yet. It's slowly crushing me but I'm trying to resist. If they have their way, I'll falter.

Until then I'll do my best to stay strong and remain hopeful and positive.
I need to work on releasing my negativity most definitely. Abandoning and banishing it even.

It starts with my beliefs. Problem is a lot of the beliefs I truly hold, no one could be happy having that stuff float around their mind.

You're right. Even THE MOST worst off Americans probably have it 10x better than people in countries I've never seen with my own eyes. I should be thankful for that. I am.

I guess an important thing to remember is that all we have is hope. But being passive may not be a good thing either...

I don't have any answers. I know complaining isn't healthy. But I argue that adjusting your mindset to accept and move on might not be healthy either. But I'm just a young twerp who doesn't know :censored2:.

The system just hasn't broken me yet. It's slowly crushing me but I'm trying to resist. If they have their way, I'll falter.

Until then I'll do my best to stay strong and remain hopeful and positive.
Don't read to much into things. Learn from your mistakes and history. Don't be so hard on yourself people will do this to you anyway. Don't join in. Keep your head up and have a positive mental attitude. God loves you and you can and will make and find your own way.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Have you ever thought of going into the Ministry? I believe you would be good at it. Worked with a Minister PT while he was waiting for a calling. This job is more nuts and bolts. Load boxes. Unload boxes. Deliver boxes. Pick up boxes. Repeat as many times as necessary. Collect pay check and go home.
Have you ever thought of going into the Ministry? I believe you would be good at it. Worked with a Minister PT while he was waiting for a calling. This job is more nuts and bolts. Load boxes. Unload boxes. Deliver boxes. Pick up boxes. Repeat as many times as necessary. Collect pay check and go home.
Who are you talking to?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever thought of going into the Ministry? I believe you would be good at it. Worked with a Minister PT while he was waiting for a calling. This job is more nuts and bolts. Load boxes. Unload boxes. Deliver boxes. Pick up boxes. Repeat as many times as necessary. Collect pay check and go home.
I'm not a giant fan of organized religion.

A lot of those folks are great people with great intentions, a lot of it is a money scam.

I just don't like the idea of one deity reigning superior and all others being inferior. I'll look into it though because my mind is open to anything.

Thank you :)

I also didn't know who he was talking to but when he said waiting for a calling I figured he meant me.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Trying to complicate a very simple job. You cannot solve the worlds problems working PT at UPS. Just do your job, collect your pay check and live your life.