Rail strike


Well-Known Member
I don’t think we’re ever going back there
Not as long as we have to romance the public shareholders.
I agree....we were doing great before the founding family got greedy and pimped the stock to the public.

But then the founders became multi, multi, multi billionaires so what do they care?



Well-Known Member
Lol textbook management response. No one forcing you to be here. Quit if you don’t like it.

Or ya know since I am part of a union. I choose to stay and collectively bargain to try and make things better for thOse that come after me.

This place isn’t anything like it was when you were here. I know. I’ve been here 20 years. Things have gotten progressively worse.
ups is not an easy job. thats one reason i liked it. I bore easily.

the other reason is i know most of the world couldnt do what we do.


Well-Known Member
At least Abney was a true company man who rose through the ranks. Carol is some kind of corporate raider who I guarantee does not give an friend about the legacy or the longevity of the company. If she sees an opportunity to gut the company and float away with a golden parachute, she will.


Well-Known Member
thats the difference between you and me. If i hated the company i worked for as much as you clearly do i wouldnt stay. instead you stay and poison the soup for the rest of us.
Where did I say I hate the company that I work for? I said UPS gets away with doing things that are wrong. You seem sensitive. Not sure why you are trying to start a fight.


Well-Known Member
Where did I say I hate the company that I work for? I said UPS gets away with doing things that are wrong. You seem sensitive. Not sure why you are trying to start a fight.
Ok all i hear is negative rhetoric from you about the company you work for. I guess your hatred for them is really an act of love :raspberry-tounge:
you realize you have to give up the beard, tattoos and long hair if you do?
That's not an issue for me.
I do enjoy the option of being lazy and if I don't feel like shaving I don't have to.
But I believe we should look like respectable people out there.
I still remember if you didn't shave for one day your center manager would go in his desk drawer and give you the cheapest single blade razor and made you shave or you was going home.

Same with your shoes being polished.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
That's not an issue for me.
I do enjoy the option of being lazy and if I don't feel like shaving I don't have to.
But I believe we should look like respectable people out there.
I still remember if you didn't shave for one day your center manager would go in his desk drawer and give you the cheapest single blade razor and made you shave or you was going home.

Same with your shoes being polished.
We’d have guys not shaving just to get a break at this point lol