Holiday Past
The first American mention of a Christmas tree was in 1747, and, strictly speaking, it wasn't a tree at all but a wooden pyramid covered with evergreen bows and decorated with apples.
Holiday Present
Once the tree idea caught on, it grew by leaps and bounds. More than 34 to 36 million Christmas trees are now produced each year in the United States. The industry employs over 100,000 people, and over 1 million acres of land have been planted with Christmas Trees.
Artificial Trees
Holiday Past
Artificial Christmas trees were on the market by 1900. They were available by mail from Sears, Roebuck and Company, and cost 50 cents for 33 limbs, or a dollar for 55 limbs.
Holiday Present
Most artificial trees are now manufactured in Korea, Taiwan, or Hong Kong and contain non-beodegradable plastics and metals. They usually range in price from $200 to $2,000.
Holiday Mail
Holiday Past The first Christmas card, created by a London businessman, was printed in England in 1843. Three years later, the first commercial Christmas Cards were available to the public. One thousand cards in all were produced and they were an instant success.