Random Facts


golden ticket member
Fun Facts........
1. There are more chickens on earth than humans.
2. Some scientists believe the chicken is the closest living relative to the T-Rex.
3. A chicken egg takes about 21 days to hatch.

4. Asiatic breeds, such as the Brahma and Cochin, tend to be calmer and quieter than others.
5. The two red or purplish flaps of flesh that dangle under a chicken's chin are called wattles.
6. Chickens can run up to 9 miles an hour.
7. White,brown, green, pink or blue: The breed of the hen determines the color of her eggs.
8. It takes a hen 24 to 26 hours to lay an egg.
9. Most eggs are laid between 7 AM and 11 AM.
10. A chef's hat is said to have a pleat for each of the many ways you can cook an egg.


Fugitive From Reality
Moreluck This was on the news here in Mass and he went back to the carnival Manager and got about 600.00 back,,,LOL What a dope !! tell me he's not on the Obama hand out plan !!!!!!
Bet most of the money he lost was on the N.H taxpayers dime !!!
like I said in another thread, every time someone from my state is interviewed on the news, it's some dufus like that guy.


These are the new dodge dart chassis.The shipper told me they are sitting out there because they are basically scrap.
Apparently the casting mix produced small bubbles in the metal,and at least 70% of these are unfit for production.
​The new dart has all the bells and whistles,but they are pretty ugly.


golden ticket member
We had a '74 Dodge Dart and I learned to drive stick on it. My oldest learned to drive at 14 on that car..............you could get your license at 14 in Idaho back then.


golden ticket member
I saw the Lil' Giant infomercial this morning while channel surfing.
Years ago that ladder was being made in Provo (I think) . Hubby was working in Provo and had the guy get him one.
You would think that we are the only people in the radius of 50 miles who have a ladder. It's heavy, but it's soooooo
They say the new one is lighter........we have the old one.


golden ticket member
I have a friend from H.S. (class of '65) who is joining the Peace Corp. at age 66 !!
It's something she has wanted to do since H.S., but life got in the way.

She has been assigned to Moldava. I told her to become familiar with the gypsy culture and pack plenty of garlic. I was reading about the Carpathian Mountains....always mentioned in Dracula movies.
She is in the process of selling everything or giving it away. She sent me 2 cd's.....one of Lesley Gore and one of Rosemary Clooney.......I will put them in my car with my Bobby Darin cd.
She will be gone in June to learn the language..


May 20th is Victoria Day in Canada.....

Victoria Day in Canada

We get tomorrow off woohoo!
I gladly curtsey to the Queen for the day off.
A simple colonist can be charged with treason for failing to show allegiance.
God save the Queen!
Thank's more for noticing ,and thanks for the support pickup.


golden ticket member
Congratulations to Trace for the win on Celebrity Apprentice !! My pick was Penn Jillette.......it was a very close contest and lots of $$$ was won for charity.
Trace was playing for the Red Cross and Penn was playing for a local Vegas charity called Opportunity Village.

It's nice that Penn was able to bring National attention to a local charity. Opportunity Village trains mentally challenged adults to do jobs and be productive. It should go national.......some rich people need to run with it.
Both guys were great competitors.


golden ticket member
Justin should sign up for the Mars trip.....the one where you don't come back !! If I was already signed up for the Virgin Atlantic trip.....I would jump ship with Bieber on board.

Justin Bieber books space voyage on Virgin Galactic


golden ticket member
Today was National Donut Day and I did not let it pass without saluting it !!

I got a choc. covered donut with custard filling....yum!!

The donut shops around here....the good ones anyway....are run by Asians........kind of like all the nail salons are Asian women that run them.

He was sold out of donuts by 10:30......except for mine. It was a good day for them.