Random Facts


serenity now

In what way is "How to feng shui your tiny apartment" a random fact?

A random fact would be something like my brother has 6 toes on his left foot or you can roughly estimate the air temperature by counting the number of times a cricket chirps in 15 seconds and adding 37 to that number.

"How to feng shui your tiny apartment" sounds like it should be in a lifestyle thread, not random facts.

if you keep putting your hand on a hot stove and it keeps burning you, why do you continue to do it?

if reading her stuff bothers you, don't read her stuff

you don't even post on Random Facts, so why do you read it?

you have 2 posts on this thread during the last 3 weeks and both were challenging more's right to post in a thread with subject matter almost as ambiguous as Meaningless Fluff

get a life

serenity now

Moderators Take Note

just received this personal attack : Better yet go **

and a negative rep. from Upstate for the innocuous post #2214 in this thread

this dude has some real issues


golden ticket member
Heading out of the store, pushing a cart and fumbling for my keys. I kept searching my purse and no keys. I drove there, so I had to have keys. Some guy, doing the power spraying/cleaning of the sidewalk, came up to me with a pink lanyard around his neck .....he said I dropped my keys in the road, so he was waiting for someone who lost their keys to come out of the store..
He saved the day!!!


golden ticket member
those aren't random facts! good lord, woman, what are you thinking!
you beat everything; you know that!
anyone can Google! i'm putting you on ignore, and then read everything you post twice

Nostalgia strikes when you least expect it * did i hit all the bases?
You forgot to call me an idiot and that you are light years ahead of me and that I should shut up. Of course Dave will never see this because he's at Home Depot gathering enough rope and chain to........oh nevermind!!.

serenity now

You forgot to call me an idiot and that you are light years ahead of me and that I should shut up. Of course Dave will never see this because he's at Home Depot gathering enough rope and chain to........oh nevermind!!.

i did leave out 1 classic ( lily-white gated community)


golden ticket member