Random Facts


golden ticket member
I never used the ignore feature and don't plan to start now. I also don't make declarations that I am leaving and will never return, twice.........only drama queens do that.


golden ticket member

...Ohio became the 17th state on March 1, 1803.

...Ohio has an area of 116,103 square miles.

...It ranks 34th in state size.

...50% of the United States population lives within a 500 miles radius of Columbus, Ohio.

...John Lambert of Ohio City made America's first automobile in 1891.

...Roy J. Plunkett of New Carlisle invented Teflon in 1938.


golden ticket member
I've had my Yahoo page for years. It's all personalized with my stock quotes, weather, Hollywood news, etc.

Yahoo has taken away the home pages and replaced them with a new one.
I have to re-do everything. Not a happy camper !!



Well-Known Member

...Ohio became the 17th state on March 1, 1803.

...Ohio has an area of 116,103 square miles.

...It ranks 34th in state size.

...50% of the United States population lives within a 500 miles radius of Columbus, Ohio.

...John Lambert of Ohio City made America's first automobile in 1891.

...Roy J. Plunkett of New Carlisle invented Teflon in 1938.

And for a brief time, the state Capitol was Zanesville, not Columbus.


golden ticket member
To me, there are 3 kinds of people....

Those who don't have their act together

Those who do have their act together,

And those headed in the direction of one of those first two.

I always thought Trace Adkins had his act together. Maybe he does and is handling things in a timely manner. I wish him good luck .He does such good work representing the Red Cross and Wounded Warriors.


golden ticket member
A friend of mine is in the Peace Corp. in Moldava. It's near the Carpathian Mountains.

I wanted to send a 'care package' and use a list she provided.

I checked with UPS and 15 lb. box to Moldava was $459.00 !!
Now I know why no one has sent her anything yet.

Some of her list is canned stuff....that's the heavy stuff. It's just home stuff that's not available there......so money and gift cards are out too.

Looks like she will only be getting greeting cards from me.


Well-Known Member
The only place I would consider sending internationally would be to Mexico and Canada. Those can go ground(standard) and are not much different than sending across country. Letters are not to bad to send internationally.


golden ticket member
Buy some "forever stamps" now !!

US Postage increase
  • 3048302_G.jpg
    U.S. Postal Service
      If you have something to mail, you may want to drop it in the closest mailbox Saturday night.
      Yes, the price of a first-class postage stamp is going up.... again.
      Starting Sunday, it will cost 49 cents to mail a letter, instead of 46 cents.
      The increase is part of a 6-percent 'across-the-board' hike by the post office.
      If you use a lot of stamps, you can save
      some money by stocking up on ‘forever’ stamps , they are always good, no matter what price you paid for them.


golden ticket member
OOPS!! Looks like the new postage already went in to effect Jan 26TH.

Sorry..........I was a week late with this. That date just snuck up on me.

I did stock up with stamps at the 46 cent rate.


golden ticket member
Going through my mail after returning from a few days away, I was thrilled that I got my driver's license renewal in the mail and it said I could renew by mail or online.
Anything to avoid having to go to the DMV....hate it!!

Tried the online route.....reading all the directions and not scanning. It asked me to pick a security question. I did. It asked me to type in the correct answer to that security question. I did.

When I got to the part that says "renew", I clicked on it and the screen said I had given an incorrect answer to my security question. It's my question........I should know the answer.....HELLO !!!

I tried couple of times. Then I said the 'friend' word about a hundred times and then I got out my stamps and mailed that sucker in !!! So much for the ease of technology!!