I've written twice to A&E this morning to let them know the first amendment gives Phil the right to his opinion.
No it does not ... at least as related to this issue.
Neither the 1st Amendment nor the 14th Amendment cover anything outside the relationship and punitive actions against an individual citizen by any level of governments.
The first amendment protects citizens from the government from taking any action against them due to what the citizens says ... in particular, if they say something against the government.
Citizens can say anything they want as long as they do not fall within the following:
- Burning draft cards to protest draft — prohibited because of superior governmental interest.
- Words likely to incite imminent violence, termed “fighting words.”
- Words immediately jeopardizing national security.
- Newspaper publishing false and defamatory material — libel.
Adams passed the Sedition Acts back in 1798 and were so unpopular that Jefferson was elected and these laws expired in 1802.
Lincoln suspended the 1st amendment rights to some extent