Random Facts


Nine Lives
I sauteed some shallots and my wife said it burned her eyes and she had to leave the room.

I'll store that fact away.

I wonder if Amazon sells shallots?


golden ticket member
Totally discovered by accident, but very good.

You know those bottles, the 4-pack from Starbucks? Take a mocha one and pour it into your blender.....add choc. ice cream . Blend to your desired thickness (thick for me)

Really tasty way to get rid of choc. ice cream!!


golden ticket member
Interesting fact.
This is the only time you see this phenomenon in your life.
Calendar August 2014Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2
4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12 13 14 15 16
18 19 20 21 22 23
25 26 27 28 29 30
August, next year, will have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens only once every 823 years. The Chinese call it ' Silver pockets full. "So: send this message to your friends and in four days money will surprise you. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. Whoever does not transmit the message ... may find themselves poor I obeyed (you never know).


golden ticket member
When I logged on to Brown Café this morning.......it said 235 new posts ! There's no way I'm reading that many !!
I scanned a few of them and then hit the "mark forums read" button. That was easy.


Well-Known Member
When I logged on to Brown Café this morning.......it said 235 new posts ! There's no way I'm reading that many !!
I scanned a few of them and then hit the "mark forums read" button. That was easy.
I checked in after dinner.......258 new posts....Geez!! (I pushed the magic button)
This morning it read, 555......no way am I even scanning that many. "Mark forums as read".....next!

I think you may be confusing Brown Café with Twitter.


golden ticket member
I never do tweeting. I only go to 2 sites regularly. .....Brown Café and my high school class site.
I always look at the number of new posts at BC. The 555 was overnight. There is no confusion on my part.


Well-Known Member
I guess my confusion began when you felt the need to tell us how many unread posts you had, not once, not twice, but three times. What makes you think anyone cares how many unread posts you have?


golden ticket member
I guess my confusion began when you felt the need to tell us how many unread posts you had, not once, not twice, but three times. What makes you think anyone cares how many unread posts you have?
It amazes me that with the frequency of my checking, there's tons more posts than there used to be. I could go on a seven day vacation and there wouldn't be 500 posts a few years ago.
So many.........denotes rapid growth here. It's got nothing to do with how many unread posts I have, but how many accrue over a short period of time.

Does tunnel vision hurt?


Staff member

Just a suggestion.....


My Senior Picture
Think before you post and if the thread doesn't pertain to you then simply move on.
Remember when you posted this?
I will give you a hint, it was at 7:11am this morning.
Why don't you take your own advice and leave Moreluck alone.

P.S. I fixed your typo for you as well. Surely you didn't intend for the word to be "them".