Random Facts


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
3:00 A.M. HAIL....set off the motion lights outside and lit up things inside enough to wake me up to see what was going on.
Hubby hasn't golfed since Sunday.........approaching the "grouchy level". He went to get some "galoshes" yesterday and better rain gear and I told him to get the "Sponge Bob" kind.
He checks the drains around the street to make sure they are handling the water. Some folks are alone or out of town.


golden ticket member
Amazing Animal Sleep Schedules........

* Thrushes take hundreds of power naps a day, a few seconds at a time, in midflight.

* Otters sleep floating on their backs, sometimes holding paws with their friends so they don't drift apart.

* Giraffes sleep only 20 minutes a day, often curled up with their heads nestled on their own rumps.

* Brow bats, on the other hand, sleep 19 hours a day - upside down.

* But nobody beats the desert snail, which has been recorded sleeping for 4 years at a time.


golden ticket member
The three little sentences that'll get you through life:

1. Cover for me.
2. Oh, good idea, boss.
3. It was like that when I got here.


golden ticket member
Americans over the age of 40 are the only citizens with even the dimmest adult memories of the presidency of George H.W. Bush.....[So] close to 100 million eligible voters have no firsthand recollection of a time when things worked in Washington. That might be a starting point for understanding the crippling cynicism that hangs over contemporary politics.
~Walter Shapiro~


golden ticket member
Forcing public figures to instinctively fear saying anything even remotely offensive doesn't encourage argument or intellectual rigor or even honesty. Instead, it compels people to stick to bland sound bites and safe topics.
-Sophie Gilbert-


golden ticket member
All selfies are photos. Not all photos are selfies..........

I held a camera and took a photo of myself. That is a selfie.
I took a photo of myself and two friends. That is a selfie..also called a groupie.
I set the self-timer on a camera and stepped back 5 feet, and it took my photo. That's in the selfie family but isn't a pure selfie. Consider it a self-portrait.

I used a selfie stick to take a photo of myself. That is a selfie.
I used a 300-foot selfie stick to take a photo of myself but because of the distance, I am barely visible. Still a selfie.

I took a photo of my soul mate as she gazed into my eyes. We feel we are one. We are the same person, the same self. Great, not a selfie.

~Jason Feifer~