Random Facts


golden ticket member
Why is the number "7" considered a "lucky" number?

Seven is the lucky winning number in some traditional games of chance. It is also a sacred number in many religions. Why is seven lucky? We are not entirely certain - but we did find many special sevens:

* Pythagoreans called it the perfect number, 3 and 4, the triangle and the square, the perfect figures.

* According to Jewish and Christian mythologies it took six days to create the world with the seventh day being the holiest day - a day of rest. The Bible, Zohar and other religious texts also recommend that fields were to be left fallow every seventh year as means of allowing the earth to regenerate itself.

* On dices, where seven is a winning number, to get a 7 you need one dice on 6 and a 1 on the opposite side on the other dice. All opposite side numbers adds to 7.

* Seven Seas

* Seven colors of the rainbow

* Seven days of the week

* In Chinese culture, the seventh day of the first moon of the lunar year is known as Human's Day to be celebrated as the universal birthday of all human beings.


golden ticket member

Idealism: Happy Birthday.

Capitalism: I shopped all day for your birthday.

Atheism: I can't believe it's your birthday.

Hinduism: Holy Cow! Is it your birthday?

Taoism: It's everybody's birthday.

Buddhism: If your birthday party was held in the forest and nobody came... would it make a sound?

Existentialism: Your birthday means nothing to me.

Sarcasm: You don't look half bad for someone twice your age


golden ticket member
Today's useless fact - Why does Superman wear his underwear on top of his clothes?

Superheroes are a strange breed, often doing things we mortals don't understand. Why does Superman wear his unmentionables on top of his clothes? Hey, man, who the heck knows! Why does Wonder Woman bother with an invisible jet? Why does the Hulk insist on sporting purple pants? Such questions plague us, and if we had the chance, we'd move to Tibet and ponder them for a year. But our time is limited, so let's set our sights on Superman's skivvies.

As far as we could find, several theories attempt to explain the origin of his peculiar costume. In a 1940 comic, Superman says he invented the costume himself from "cloth immune to the most powerful forces." (Look out, Tommy Hilfiger.) A few years later, it's revealed that Superman's adoptive mother constructed the outfit from blankets found wrapped around the infant when he landed on Earth.

More recent comics state that the costume "acquired its indestructibility...as the result of being transported from the planet Krypton." Well, OK, but why does the Man of Steel dress like an '80s aerobics instructor? If we had to hazard a guess, we'd say it's for aesthetics and nothing more. Without the red trunks, he'd look like a male ballerina in blue pantyhose. And not even Superman could pull off that look. Check out the links in the Superman category for more.


I was messin' around with paint,net and created a couple of weird pics using "polar inversion"




golden ticket member
Sunburn seems to heal in just a few days, but the blood vessels under the skin do not return to their normal condition for up to fifteen months.


golden ticket member
Growing up in Akron Ohio, this was an entire city block taken up by
the Quaker Oats Co. They made the entire downtown smell like popped popcorn. When they were done with them, they were turned into a luxury hotel........not wasted. (135 S. Broadway)



golden ticket member
Brown eggs come from hens with red feathers and red ear lobes; white eggs come from hens with white feathers and white ear lobes. Shell color is determined by the breed of hen and has no effect on its quality, nutrients or flavor.


golden ticket member

Do not lean a broom against a bed. The evil spirits in the broom will cast a spell on the bed.

If you sweep trash out the door after dark, it will bring a stranger to visit.

If someone is sweeping the floor and sweeps over your feet, you'll never get married.

Never take a broom along when you move. Throw it out and buy a new one.

To prevent an unwelcome guest from returning, sweep out the room they stayed in immediately after they leave.


Staff member
Brown eggs come from hens with red feathers and red ear lobes; white eggs come from hens with white feathers and white ear lobes. Shell color is determined by the breed of hen and has no effect on its quality, nutrients or flavor.

"Brown eggs are local eggs, and local eggs are fresh!"

Or so the commercial says....