Random Facts


Für Meno :)

Molson Canadian
BEER FACT: The red leaf on the Molson Canadian label pre-dates the leaf on the Canadian flag


golden ticket member
If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago, you would have $49.00 today! If you purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG, you would have $33.00. If you purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers, you would have $0.00 today. But, if you purchased $1,000 worth of beer, drank all the beer, turned in the aluminum cans for recycling, you would have $214.00.
Therefore the best current investment plan is to drink heavily & recycle.
It is called the 401-Keg Plan!!


We recently went on a mini vacation to the southernmost point in Canada.
It was an eye opener for me.
There is a ferry from Kingsville Ontario to Pelee island in lake Erie.
We stayed in nearby Leamington Ontario,the tomato capitol of Canada,
and the home of a huge heinz ketchup plant.
There were thousands of migrant workers,mostly Mexican,everywhere.
They come here to harvest the crops for minimum wage for 7 months,
and from what I read,that's about 10 times what they'd make back home.
The workers are chosen under rigorous conditions,in that they must be married,
with children,and no criminal record.
They have basically no benefits,and the UN has taken a dislike to our apparent
disregard to the quality of housing and human resources available to them.
There are miles of greenhouses and orchards,but back to Pelee Island.
The ferry holds 40 cars and 400 people.Don't ever go there unless you can take your car.
The first hour interesting,with stories about slaves escaping and big fish,after that you
may as well sleep 3 hours till the boat comes back.I think it would be ideal for a prison.
I thought I heard leastbest's banjo playing over the waves :)
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golden ticket member
If something breaks, and it stops you from doing something, it will be fixed when you no longer need it; are in the middle of something else; or don't want it to be fixed because now you don't want to do what you were supposed to do.

The more urgent the need for a decision to be made, less apparent becomes the identity of the decision maker.

It is never wise to let any piece of electronic equipment know that you are in a hurry.

Don't fix something that ain't broke, 'cause you'll break it and you still can't fix it.

For any given software, as soon as you master it, a new version of that software appears.


golden ticket member
Pacemakers are not allowed to be used by another human after the first user dies, but they can be placed in dogs. Some people bequeath their pacemaker to veterinary hospitals.


golden ticket member
The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic collective nouns
for the various groups of animals.

We are all familiar with a Herd of cows, a Flock of chickens, a School of fish and
a Gaggle of geese.

However, less widely known is a Pride of lions, a Murder of crows (as well
as their cousins the rooks and ravens), an Exaltation of doves and, presumably
because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.

Now consider a group of Baboons. They are the loudest, most dangerous, most
obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates.
And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?

Believe it or not ....... a Congress!

I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of Washington!


golden ticket member
A car's dashboard got it’s name from the fact that in horse and buggy days, dashing horses kicked up mud on the passengers. The dashboard was designed to protect everyone from getting dirty.


Für Meno :)
The United Nations reports women in 83 countries and territories around the globe won't have enough daughters to replace themselves unless fertility rates suddenly rise.
Using Hong Kong as an example, 1,000 women there are expected to give birth to 547 daughters. Those daughters would in turn be succeeded by only 299 daughters and so on.
At that rate, Hong Kong's female population would shrink from 3.75 million to just one in 25 generations. The last female would be born in 2798.
If you apply that theory to Japan, Germany, Russia, Italy and Spain, their populations won't last out the millennium.
Canada's last woman, using current statistics, would be born sometime around 4400. We fare better than most countries except Brazil, which will see its last woman born close to 5000.
And, China isn't about to save the world from eventual declining fertility rates either. Using the same UN population figures, it has a mere 1,500 years left before it too can't replace its women.


The United Nations reports women in 83 countries and territories around the globe won't have enough daughters to replace themselves unless fertility rates suddenly rise.
Using Hong Kong as an example, 1,000 women there are expected to give birth to 547 daughters. Those daughters would in turn be succeeded by only 299 daughters and so on.
At that rate, Hong Kong's female population would shrink from 3.75 million to just one in 25 generations. The last female would be born in 2798.
If you apply that theory to Japan, Germany, Russia, Italy and Spain, their populations won't last out the millennium.
Canada's last woman, using current statistics, would be born sometime around 4400. We fare better than most countries except Brazil, which will see its last woman born close to 5000.
And, China isn't about to save the world from eventual declining fertility rates either. Using the same UN population figures, it has a mere 1,500 years left before it too can't replace its women.
Do my eye's deceive me, or did I NOT see one bad comment about The United States of America?

And she`ll move south to marry an American.
LOL, south.


golden ticket member
Today's useless fact - Exactly how fast is a knot and how did it get that name?

Ahoy! For land-lubbers who don't know a sail from a sale, knots measure the speed of ships. A knot is one nautical mile per hour, so a ship traveling at five knots is traversing five nautical miles per hour. That's simple enough, but why, inquiring pirates want to know, is it called a knot? The answer dates way back to the 17th century. To measure the speed and distance of a ship, knots were tied into a "log line." This line was thrown overboard, an hourglass was tipped, and the knots were counted. When the sand ran out, the counting stopped, and a general speed was determined.

Which brings us to the next seafaring query -- how long is a nautical mile? We're glad you asked, matey. A nautical mile is equal to about 1.15 survey miles, or 6080 feet.


golden ticket member
The Bank of Vernal, Utah, is the only bank in the world that was built from bricks sent through the mail. Way back in 1919 the builders realized that it was cheaper to send the bricks through the United States Postal System (seven bricks to a package) than to have them shipped commercially from Salt Lake City.


The Bank of Vernal, Utah, is the only bank in the world that was built from bricks sent through the mail. Way back in 1919 the builders realized that it was cheaper to send the bricks through the United States Postal System (seven bricks to a package) than to have them shipped commercially from Salt Lake City.
This does not surprise me.Every year college and university students have learned that you can pack over
1000 lbs of your crap and ship it out west using ups in 15 boxes pretty cheap.Way cheaper than renting a truck and driving 3000 miles,plus, the ups guy will carry each box up the 2 flights of stairs,right to your door!


Ever wonder where the term "flea market" originated?
My google search produced several results.
This one makes the most sense.
around 100 years ago ,there was a street in Paris called the
"marche aux puces"
Which translates to flea market.
A place to find rare and old merchandise.
That's all you need to know DS



Well-Known Member
This does not surprise me.Every year college and university students have learned that you can pack over
1000 lbs of your crap and ship it out west using ups in 15 boxes pretty cheap.Way cheaper than renting a truck and driving 3000 miles,plus, the ups guy will carry each box up the 2 flights of stairs,right to your door!

Not here--all packages go to a central receiving location. College employees deliver the final leg--kind of the campus version of SmartPost.


golden ticket member
German chocolate cake did not originate in Germany. In 1852, Sam German developed a sweet baking bar for Baker's Chocolate Co. The product was named in honor of him -- Baker's German's Sweet Chocolate.