We recently went on a mini vacation to the southernmost point in Canada.
It was an eye opener for me.
There is a ferry from Kingsville Ontario to Pelee island in lake Erie.
We stayed in nearby Leamington Ontario,the tomato capitol of Canada,
and the home of a huge heinz ketchup plant.
There were thousands of migrant workers,mostly Mexican,everywhere.
They come here to harvest the crops for minimum wage for 7 months,
and from what I read,that's about 10 times what they'd make back home.
The workers are chosen under rigorous conditions,in that they must be married,
with children,and no criminal record.
They have basically no benefits,and the UN has taken a dislike to our apparent
disregard to the quality of housing and human resources available to them.
There are miles of greenhouses and orchards,but back to Pelee Island.
The ferry holds 40 cars and 400 people.Don't ever go there unless you can take your car.
The first hour interesting,with stories about slaves escaping and big fish,after that you
may as well sleep 3 hours till the boat comes back.I think it would be ideal for a prison.
I thought I heard leastbest's banjo playing over the waves