Random Facts


golden ticket member
Want to feel old?

Go to Walmart, Target or your favorite big box store and ask a young person, "Where's the Brasso?"

The look on their face is priceless!

I thought it might be by the car wax and such, but at our Walmart is around the laundry soap area.

Retirement fun!!


Well-Known Member
What is the hottest place on Earth? El Azizia in Libya recorded a temperature of 136 degrees Fahrenheit (57.8 Celsius) on
Sept. 13, 1922 the hottest ever measured. In Death Valley, it got up to 134 Fahrenheit on July 10, 1913.



Für Meno :)
Worlds best drinking waters :

22nd annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting in Berkeley Springs, W.V. :

Greenwood, B.C., is the best tasting municipal water in the world.

St. Henry, Ohio, won the best municipal water in the United States award.

The best bottled water prize went to Jackson Springs Natural Premium Spring Water of Manitoba.

Esparanza of Tesanj, Bosnia, was the best sparkling water winner.

MyCause Water of Mechanicsville, Md., won the best packaging award.

Claire Baie of Oak Creek, Wis., won the best purified drinking water award.


Want to feel old?

Go to Walmart, Target or your favorite big box store and ask a young person, "Where's the Brasso?"

The look on their face is priceless!

I thought it might be by the car wax and such, but at our Walmart is around the laundry soap area.

Retirement fun!!
Gee thanks More, now I really feel old. :imok:


golden ticket member
My Bucket List 2012


Obama: Gone!

Borders: Closed!

Congress: Obey it's own laws

Language: English only

Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!

Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!

NO freebies to: Non-Citizens!


About 12 years before I started at ups,I was convicted of impaired driving,2nd offence.
I was young and invincible,or so I thought.It may have been the single most important thing that ever happened to me.
3 months in jail.I was sent to the infamous Don Jail in downtown Toronto.
My cellmate had a mohawk.and all he talked about how to make acid.I got physically threatened for being too cheerful.
At night,when the cells were all locked,I saw a string go by my cell,tied to it was a vial of hash oil that they had so everyone could get high.I did not take part in this. By luck,I found a childhood friend that knew me as a kid,and he made sure I was not abused,had my own cup,and enough tobacco to keep me happy.
I only had to spend about 2 weeks there and because I was employed,got transferred to Mimico correctional center,where I could go to work every day,but had to go back every night.There was one kid there I wanted to kill.He was always bragging about how he'd go home to an empty mansion every day and party until his curfew.He was in the bunk above me and I kicked his back at night till he'd shut up and let us sleep.
I don't EVER drink and drive now.
This has been a public service random fact brought to you by me.
Hell House: Why the Don Jail is a wretched, dangerous dungeon that should have been shut down ages ago | From the Print Edition | torontolife.com


Für Meno :)
Do we need 1 of these for Moreluck or Upstate ?

Silence Gun: Strange weapon of the future immediately quiets you, whether you like it or not
