Random Facts


golden ticket member
Re: #4....a case of Enfamil , which is 6, 32 oz. cans, ready to eat ranges from $59 to $69.00.

A baby probably eats/drinks this for 3 months (been so long, I forget). Very expensive.

Therefore, with your reasoning everybody should stop having babies because you are already here and all old people should be left to die in their own filth and the country should award you all the booze you can drink and all the fags you can smoke...............ah, the perfect world !!


​Yeppers, if Dis Organized Labor were still around I would send it to him.
I think DoL, was a girl, LOL.

Saw it, hated it.

Get out of my way you young whipper snapper!!! Note to self-- if ever riding a bike get out of the way if a bus is coming up behind you. After further review I have come to the conclusion that that bike rider was actually daring the bus driver to hit him. What an idiot.
Um, daring the bus? I guess that means everytime I jump on US1, I'm daring all the cars that are flying by here.


golden ticket member
How many shrimp can you eat ?? The breaded kind and dipping them in cocktail sauce.

McCormick® Extra Hot Seafood Cocktail Sauce (excellent)
How many shrimp can you eat ?? The breaded kind and dipping them in cocktail sauce.

McCormick® Extra Hot Seafood Cocktail Sauce (excellent)

Don't know about the breaded kind but when we have shrimp boils at the house I can knock them away by the pound. Crawfish too.