Random Facts


golden ticket member
Do we need 1 of these for Moreluck or Upstate ?

Turn it around and check down the barrel and see if it's working properly.


golden ticket member
Yesterday, I was reading a news article from a Sweetwater, TX. newspaper. It was about a big wreck with many injuries and many ambulances and life-flights needed.

They described what I would call triage as "patient packaging". I'd never seen that term used before.


Retired 23 years
Yesterday, I was reading a news article from a Sweetwater, TX. newspaper. It was about a big wreck with many injuries and many ambulances and life-flights needed.

They described what I would call triage as "patient packaging". I'd never seen that term used before.

then when they get a real rush in the triage unit they call that "slab'em and stab'em.


Newts spend a significant portion of their lives in hibernation, usually from around October to March of each year. On a rainy night in March, they awaken and trek back to the pond where they hatched to mate.
Females lay from 200 to 300 eggs, but only about half develop into tadpoles. Tadpoles emerge from their eggs in about 21 days and feed on small insects like water fleas and tiny worms. Warty newts are extremely long-lived, with some exceeding 16 years of age. Like all newts, they can regrow body parts if necessary,


Well-Known Member
Newts spend a significant portion of their lives in hibernation, usually from around October to March of each year. On a rainy night in March, they awaken and trek back to the pond where they hatched to mate.
Females lay from 200 to 300 eggs, but only about half develop into tadpoles. Tadpoles emerge from their eggs in about 21 days and feed on small insects like water fleas and tiny worms. Warty newts are extremely long-lived, with some exceeding 16 years of age. Like all newts, they can regrow body parts if necessary,

Not disrespecting him at all.....
But that sounds like Newt Gingrich.
He was hibernating, and now he is back again.


golden ticket member
Newts spend a significant portion of their lives in hibernation, usually from around October to March of each year. On a rainy night in March, they awaken and trek back to the pond where they hatched to mate.
Females lay from 200 to 300 eggs, but only about half develop into tadpoles. Tadpoles emerge from their eggs in about 21 days and feed on small insects like water fleas and tiny worms. Warty newts are extremely long-lived, with some exceeding 16 years of age. Like all newts, they can regrow body parts if necessary,
Couldn't resist......



Für Meno :)
I pay just over $500 per year, but without collision (self fault & damage to my own vehicle).

But conservative Alberta also put the following in place to reduce premiums :

A $4,504 cap on court awards for pain and suffering also helps to reduce claims costs without reducing the amount of money available to help victims get back on their feet.
In the past, minor injuries like strains and sprains could often lead to pain and suffering awards of $20,000, even $50,000. Although this may have been a great comfort to the victims, it was costing everyone in the form of higher premiums.


I had to help another driver tonight as instructed,after a week of be under 9.5 or else.
When I went to punch out,there was a prerecorded stop in there that I could not remember,I scanned it as NI 1 and punched out.
It finally sunk in that I already delivered it and got a signature,I called the oms to void it because I know I'm already gonna get talked to about 5 paid send agains:(
I find it way more stressful doing 75 stops under 9.5 than 90 stops in 10.5.
I usually feel like crap when I first get home,but I get a second wind after the 7th beer.