I don't want sweet potato and kale lasagna !! Don't try to fool me with wide thin slices of zucchini and tell me they are noodles. I want meat and ricotta and real tomato sauce and parmesan & romano cheese and mozzarella too.
Spaghetti squash is a lousy substitute for pasta. The weridos say...."it tastes just like spaghetti." BS !!
Vegetables are vegetables and they have their place....but leave the traditional dishes alone. They've survived all of these years by being delicious.
I remember my great aunt in Providence making homemade linguine and hanging it to dry. That was the best ever!!
Barilla and DiCecco are good, but they'll never come close to homemade pasta.
Something called pizza frite (I'm sure I messed up the spelling) that's phoenetically spelled. My grandma would deep fry those donut-type dough puffs and roll them in sugar......so good!
So, take your gluten free crap and organic junk and give me the real thing!