So it will be passed down from one milker to another.
So Upstate and Frigid assume I am a milker.
I believe in a fair day's pay for a fair day's work.
I believe in working every minute I am paid, and being paid for every minute I work.
Upstate, on the other hand has admitted to going in early every day and setting up his load, pulling clerk packages, gathering supplies, delivering pkgs on his way home etc., all off the clock. Then he looks down at other drivers who are not as under-allowed as him.
No, Upstate I am not a milker. Neither am I a boot-licker who always assumes his brother Teamsters are inferior to him, and gaming the system.
I do fight management every time they assume they can push and harass drivers into doing things that are illegal, unsafe, violate the contract, or violate the human dignity of the employee. That includes working off the clock, excessive overtime, pushing for an unreasonable work pace, and violations of seniority rights. I am the one still employed, while many of the managers who wanted me gone were terminated.
So i file 9.5 and other grievances. I work at a reasonable, consistent rate, and guess what... I am a scratch driver.
If I ran and worked off the clock the allowance for my route would be adjusted, and my stops would go up. Any driver who thinks the time studies (virtual or physically performed) are representative, consistent or even unchanging is incredibly naive or perhaps ignorant.
As for Frigid also assuming I am a milker... I would expect no less out of management. In 35+ years I have never seen an on-car who could hold a candle to the work ethic of a good driver. The times I have been on TAW and in the office all day I have seen how incredibly inefficient they are with their time.