Re-Classifying Couriers as Non-DOT


Staff member
I have drivers who regularly complain about 9 hours. 14 hour day are not going to fly well let alone anything above that number should the restriction be lifted.


promoted to mediocrity
Is that all ground drivers? No OT even after 40 hours?
Under the federal overtime law, truck drivers are exempted from the OT after 40. So unless an individual state has them covered (maybe California?), they're not entitled to it legally; I know in Illinois they're not.


Staff member
Under the federal overtime law, truck drivers are exempted from the OT after 40. So unless an individual state has them covered (maybe California?), they're not entitled to it legally; I know in Illinois they're not.
When you look at laws and regulations from federal to state to DOT and take them as a whole, it's easy to come to the conclusion that the truck driver is not looked upon with much respect at all.
We guarantee a daily pay, but they are still hourly, and if there reg, OT, and DT goes over the guarantee based on the hourly wage, they get the extra for that day.


Well-Known Member
Most Ground drivers don't get OT. In my area, the ISP pays a flat salary, regardless of hours worked. The rest work straight time, again, regardless of actual hours worked. Scam.
Wow, didn't realize that. No wonder most the ground drives I know are always pissed.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting discussion, I'm trying to determine how FDX is going to circumvent the laws as I currently understand them.
Am I required to have a medical certificate if I only operate a CMV in my home State (intrastate commerce)?

Intrastate drivers are subject to the physical qualification regulations of their States. All 50 States have adapted their regulations based on some of the Federal requirements. Many states grant waivers for certain medical conditions.
NOTE: FedEx, UPS and DHL drivers usually do not leave the state but are subject to interstate regulations.

And interstate regulations require DOT medical cards... ? no?


Well-Known Member
This is why drivers with a certain type of diabetes (2?) can still work here.
They can get a federal waiver and drive any truck if insulin dependent, got one in my building that drives a larger PC. However, if no waiver, then they can drive those vehicles(10,000lbs).


Well-Known Member
the 14 and 10 hour rule still applies but the 72 hr in a rolling 7 days does not, say hello to Saturdays and sundays. glad I am retiring before peek