You are right you obviously do not know or understand UPS's connection to the internet.
That is understandable as a driver has no need of being aware of the set up or internet policies UPS has, but they are certainly there just like with every other thing UPS is involved in and just as anal and rigid and you can be fired for violating them just like any one of the many rules you best not get caught violating as a driver.
UPS is not exactly Pentagon level in their security or secrecy, so someone with a little knowledge and no ethics can easily defeat the little roadblocks that UPS sets up to stop public internet access.
As a clerk that works without supervision 100 percent of the time I could easily do so if I was willing to violate company internet policies and general work ethics.
About as easy as stealing is from UPS with the same ultimate results.
Getting caught and then either fired or fired and prosecuted.
I was not exaggerating and wasn't approached by a lowly manager.
As steward I am held to a higher level of accountability.
I was approached by security and labor with a log of every posting (the chicken sht on this board who did this is obviously very anal and it cost him a lot of ink unless he was doing it from work
) I had made for the last several months from the point late last year when this happened.
Of course, as I don't say anything here I wouldn't and don't say in person and the fact that it is/was easy for UPS to check the local computers and server to see if I had been violating UPS's firewall security, when, where and how, it came to nothing as I was innocent.
You are still really missing the point, Susie didn't have to run a trace to know it was a UPS IP address, no need for any "cheap" parlor tricks of running a trace program as that is a fixed IP address.
I am sure her purpose here, just a bit tongue in cheek, was to let as you put it you internet rubes and those that just don't necessarily pick up on the details that this was either management monitoring the board and throwing in their two cents or a stupid employee thinking being unregistered is some sort of safeguard from being caught.