Reinstate Lead Bellys account

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Brown Spider

Well-Known Member
Hellow there I'm back. I was planning on leaving after the election but got sidetracked last week. Sorry for the confusion. To be honest I'm burned out with this site and was okay with being banned. It wasn't till a friend of mine alerted me about this thread and my phone started blowing up in the last week. One of my best friends also told me that by not being here in this site and at least sticking it out till this election is over would be letting someone who I admire very much. A man I consider like a brother Ken H down.

I wear my loyalties on my sleeve like a badge of honor. My loyalty to the Teamsters Ken H my local are almost biblical in my mind.

I came from nothing. Actually less than nothing. I shouldn't be here today but by the grace of God if he is truly there and the Teamsters I have been given a shot at providing a life for my two kids and wonderful wife.

I take my Union service in the Teamsters very very seriously. I truly love the Teamsters and consider myself a Unionist.

Being a unionist has made me very hostile to anything that threatens to take down unions the Teamsters and my way of life.

Teamsters United is a direct threat to my and all of our wellbeing and I will outwork anyone I can to ensure that HH2016 gets reelected and continues to lead our great union.

So I will try and keep it clean as I can but I feel very strongly and believe in Jimmy and Ken. Ken is a man that I owe a lot to and if I can help him by being here I don't want to let this man down.

Through his negotiated contracts I make 34.89 an hour and collect 40 k in benefits. I have also been fired more than twice and know how vicious ups can be against us Teamsters. They have done to me things that are as worse or worse than probably anyone on this site has experienced. I have been terminated for representing members. It is well documented.

I'm also looking forward to HH2016 being reelected this fall. Vote H2O.


An apology to Cheryl would have been appropriate...but that would have taken a great deal more character than you have. Many of us have wives, kids, a tough job and a rough background. That doesn't give any of us the right to behave like a howling jackass!


An apology to Cheryl would have been appropriate...but that would have taken a great deal more character than you have. Many of us have wives, kids, a tough job and a rough background. That doesn't give any of us the right to behave like a howling jackass!
It is against the tos to give whole names of elected union officials or pictures of them. I have violated that as well as others. I was told that I couldn't post Tim or Fred videos or fat pictures because I was being reported at will. So I asked why Jimmy and Ken were allowed to be disparaged here as well. I was told that the were not allowed to be posted here under the terms of service so I chose to report those as well. At the beginning Cheryl encouraged me to report these violations to her.


Oh boy
Here we go again!!!
Yup my name can bring almost 10,000 vies in lest than 4 days. A lot of people do want to here my perspectives. What's funny is people that don't share my own political views want to here them and put themselves out there for me. This speakers volumes. @hyena is a balls out Teamsters and I will always have his back. He's a brother.


An apology to Cheryl would have been appropriate...but that would have taken a great deal more character than you have. Many of us have wives, kids, a tough job and a rough background. That doesn't give any of us the right to behave like a howling jackass!
You are entitled to your opinion but you only have one side of the story. You were a union guy at one time. You know there is more than one side to the story.


I'm getting a lot of texts on my phone right now. This is how I know HH2016 will win. I appreciate the support brothers and sisters.
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