I want it to be gone from this planet, along with Christianity and every other destructive and idiotic organized religion. Baffles me how grown adults much older than me believe in that nonsense. I realized God was a sham when I was 6.
IMO, it will never go away at least not in our lifetimes. Man is hardwired to such beliefs and those connections built over the eons are strong. For some, very strong. God in the western monotheism sense has always changed as man changed. The early OT god Elohim (as opposed to the later Yahweh) was a plurality of gods, polytheism if you will and god would directly commune with man, whether walking with Adam in the garden, eating a meal with Abraham and Sarah telling the barren Sarah she would be with child or wrestling with Jacob.
After Egypt, that god changed, you can no longer know my name and none are worthy to be in my presence. A new class of intercessor priests will speak for you and on your behalf to god. God also becomes a war god and the name Yahweh Sabaoth, God of the Armies or Israel's war god not unlike the greek war god Ares or the Roman war god Mars leads the Israelites into battles. But after the Babylonian and Persian period (7th-6th century BCE) god changed again and the temple period and priestly class took shape as well as monotheism became dominate.
Then came mighty Rome and the desire of a return to the idyllic Davidic period (Judah's version of the Platonic Golden Age of Saturn) and thus such return would need a Davidic King, a messiah to lead the people back into the great Kingdom age they long sought. Thus god from our western tradition changed again into Jesus with his message of love, peace and perfection taking man into that Kingdom of Heaven ideal, back to the future in the new Saturnian Age of the New s̶u̶n̶ Son. Just as Saturn displaced his father so to was Saturn displaced by his son. Very popular motif.
I suspect people will only discard the 2k and 3k year old Middle East desert ideas of god, heavily borrowed in the first place from Egyptian, Greek and Mesopotamian traditions and just re-brand the concept with something else of more modern extractions. Quantum Physics for example may play a role in creating new conclusions.
Part of the Christian reaction of the War on Christians as well as the Islamic War on Islam and even Judaism with their own persecution complex is that all 3 are feeling the pressures that
their idea of god is slipping away and they would be right. What takes it's place over the next few centuries, we just don't know yet but expect the next couple of decades to be traumatic as these past dominate faiths continue to collapse in upon themselves.