This last week I was given a scenario in which a high school football coach after a game was concluded, on his own action, went to mid field and prayed. After observing said coach do this on several occasions, a number of players on their own choice also joined the coach for prayer. This was the scenario given to me and asked what I thought of this. I inquired if all parties did this on a voluntary basis nor was this an official action by the school itself and I was told all participants did so as a voluntary action acting as individuals and was told this is correct.
If this is the same case and all is voluntary and not as official school policy, then on the grounds of both free thought and free association they should not be interfered with taking part in this expression. If the coach and players were muslim, hindu, satanist some variation of pagan, turf grass worshiper, whatever, the same still applies. If the State nor any of its actors are organizing nor demanding compliance as a result of their official capacity as a representative of or on behalf of the state, then their liberty should not only not be disturbed but should be honored and respected.