Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Crazier things have happened, especially with a crowded field of candidates, Trump for example. Yang is basically the anti-Trump.

And a black man with a knife was just shot and killed by the police in South Bend. So Buttigieg is probably out. Maybe that'll open up some more space for Yang to compete in.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Slavery in ancient societies was appreciably different from the type of slavery that was introduced into Africa by the Europeans in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. We all know that chattel slavery was a special type created by Europeans.Its a fact that in most ancient societies the slave was held in servitude for a limited time, for specific reasons, and in most cases the slave was captured in local wars which we all know so its nothing new there my friends but guess what? Skin color was not a factor as to whether a person did or did not become a slave and, in most cases the slave had some rights that the master had to respect. In ancient Egypt, Nubia, Greece and early Rome there were clearly defined codes of conduct governing the relationship between the slaves and their masters. Im not very religious and all but some of the earliest of these codes are recorded in the laws of Moses. So when people like you say that slavery existed in africa prior to contact with the Europeans is often used to excuse the European slave trade which is what most white folks love to do. The two systems had few similarities. The tragic distinguishing feature of the slave trade that was introduced by the Europeans was that it totally dehumanized the slave and was treated like an animal and as property. This dehumanization continued in many ways thoughout the slavery period and well into the colonial era. This crucial act was supported by a rationale that was created in part by the wicked Christian church and later extended by the racist writers of the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The myth of a people with no history and culture or humanity comes out of that period to further justify these acts so try again.
Slavery was addressed in both Old and New Testaments.
Interesting, as it was not so much to end it in society, but how Christian slaves and Christian masters should treat each other in life who find themselves going to the same church to worship.
During the civil war, there were many who justified slavery because of how the Bible addresses it.

El Correcto

god is dead
Yang is a disaster.
Carbon Taxes, UBI, Medicare for all, lowering voter age to 16, doesn’t expand on his gun control measures, pathway to citizenship and no disincentives for coming illegally so all the poor can come hop on our welfare train.

These are all terrible ideas.

El Correcto

god is dead
I know you get a hard on for UBI and allowing the Mexicans to come take your money, but a lot of Americans are not kuks and won’t go for it. You’d have to be in the negative IQ range to support this crap.

El Correcto

god is dead
His ubi is also not comparable to a negative income tax proposed by Friedman.

He would not eliminate the welfare state, just adding another massive billion to trillion dollar entitlement.


Inordinately Right
His ubi is also not comparable to a negative income tax proposed by Friedman.

He would not eliminate the welfare state, just adding another massive billion to trillion dollar entitlement.
So who are you voting for that would eliminate the welfare state?

Btw, Yang's UBI is opt in, you can't get welfare and all the entitlements and also get the freedom dividend. It's one or the other. Or if you honestly don't believe in it, don't take it.


Well-Known Member
Would someone please tell Mak that blacks enslaved the blacks before the whites ever thought about it.

Oh wait...

he probably already knows that.
I've actually been doing research on this subject matter and the people that were the victims of the transatlantic slave trade, the Portuguese slave trade, the Arab slave trade are actually the Hebrew Israelites of the Bible not so-called African Americans, and yes they were enslaved by blacks(Egyptians). They were also enslaved by Romans, Greeks, Assyrians Arabs, Portuguese, and hamites (so-called Africans), and so on. The very first time an Hebrew Israelite(so-called African American) was sold into bondage was by his own people(his brothers) in the Book of Genesis.


Well-Known Member
Nice conservative numbers but what do you really expect from America's revisionist history. Between 10 and 15 million Africans were forcibly transported across the Atlantic between 1500 and 1900. But this figure grossly understates the actual number of Africans enslaved, killed, or displaced as a result of the slave trade. At least 2 million Africans--10 to 15 percent--died during the infamous "Middle Passage" across the Atlantic. Another 15 to 30 percent died during the march to or confinement along the coast. Altogether, for every 100 slaves who reached the New World, another 40 had died in Africa or during the Middle Passage.
Dont Forget about the many slaves that died on the African side in the concentration camps and the ones once here in the Americas that also died during their second time held in concentration camps.


Well-Known Member
I don’t see Egyptian reparations to the Jews.
What’s up with that?

How much is a pyramid worth, anyway?
Jews didnt build the pyrimads anyway that has been debunked by archeologist already and not to mention they where the ones that financed the slave ships if you really want to get deep about that.
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Well-Known Member
Jews didnt build the pyrimads anyway that has been debunked by archeologist already and not to mention they where the ones that financed the slave ships if you really want to get deep about that.
Okay let's try this again. The Egyptians built the Pyramid using the Hebrews as slaves. Are you saying this is not true? I agree with you the people that call themselves Jews today, and are not the so-called Jews of the Bible (the true Hebrews). The Jewish people of today, the Jewish converts(khazars, Ashkenazi, Israeli Gentiles) are indeed the people that owned and financed the slave ships.


Well-Known Member
The so-called African Americans of today, are not African descent at all, but are the original Hebrew Israelites from the Bible that were enslaved by the Egyptians to build the pyramids...
