The debate was actually quite good. Cains 999 plan was finally exposed by the other candidates and hopefully gave people some insight into how it will HURT them. Santorum said it best with FACTS. He said that 84% of middle americans will have their taxes RAISED under 999. That means most of us at UPS! Bachman, besides being a kook, put a professional spin on 999 with her experience as a tax attorney, and she agrees, taxes on the middle class will go up and the tax rate will have to be raised because of revenue shortfalls.
CAIN was stuck in park trying to defend 999 (because he cant) and NEWT pointed that out. CAIN, (whos behind the scenes people created the 999) didnt know how to explain 999 other than to re-direct people to his website. Bachman explained in detail how the 999 will contain hidden taxes and CAIN demonstrated that he didnt understand what she was talking bout. CAIN tries to make jokes when hes stuck on an issue and that just doesnt fly in national politics. Either way, CAIN showed why he isnt quite ready for primetime.
Newt looked good and was more controlled than ever, but I dont think he reasonates with the GOP anymore.
Santorum looks like a bully and too far to the religious right for comfort.
Perry, well, lets just say he looked like Bush and that speaks for itself.
Ron Paul is the probably the smartest guy in the room. His ideas for cuts are real, he is not afraid to make the cuts that would be necessary. The problem with Paul is that he is TOO SMART for the GOP to handle. PAUL doesnt speak to the typical GOP follower who likes to hear talking points and talking points only.
PAULS defense of the OWS people was spot on. The others, went for the political talking points because thats what the audience wants to hear.
The GOP base only wants to hear what it wants to hear. That happens to be TALKING POINTS. PAUL doesnt speak in that language and that makes him unattractive to the typical person who calls themself a republican.
Bachman, other than her position on 999, sounded desperate and can never answer a direct question no matter how many times shes asked and redirected to the question. I dont expect her to last another month.
Romney, who decided to show how he can lose control by placing his arm on perrys shoulder on several occassions, looked silly. Placing his arm on Perry shows he has a lack of control. Its a subconscience reaction to touch the other person when you are angry and Romney showed he was angry.
The exchanges were goofy and Romneys biggest problem is being a flip flopper on issues. Despite being the most experienced, Romney is NEVER going to get the GOP nomination. If he ran as an independent candidate, he would win, but as a GOP candidate, he wont beat OBAMA.
At the end of the day, all of the candidates looked silly on stage.