this is exactly how I see. Some of the responses here make sense for 20y ago when they didn’t have the ability to see what going on without driving out and looking in your truck. There are trade offs they have the ability to spy on us all day now so they can’t claim we are sitting out there without them knowing. Their iPad shows you have no delivery’s, completed lunch, and are parked outside a pickup that isn’t due for 2 hours why do you need to tell them as well?
It’s like during the snow
“Please take pics of the bad roads for emergency conditions”
Maybe in the past but you have a spy camera installed in my truck quit being lazy and match the time I sheeted it with the camera footage m, aka do your job.
I don't think you have a good understanding about the way Lytx works.
They aren't saving everybody's full day footage. They only keep stuff that gets flagged.
just in case you missed it.
I am not sure why your team doesn't trust you but that comes from all of the lies/fibs we have been told over the years...