Repubs & Demos - what if & whatever


Well-Known Member
So it's okay for Congress to twist the law to an absurd level so that a President doesn't get a legal avenue to make his appointments?

I guarantee you when we have a Republican President and the Dems do this to him/her, you'll be screaming about it like a banshee.

And whoever does that is just as hypocritical. Wrong is wrong regardless of what letter comes after your political ass. Unless your a leftist political ass with a social agenda that is.


golden ticket member
Congress isn't"twisting the law". They can call their session whatever the law says they can call it........recess, proforma or whatever else they have. It's up to the pres. to know the difference.......he's too stupid to know.
Yes, I'll scream if a Republican tries that because it would show their stupidity.