Repug versus Dimwit perception of the electoral map of the United States


Well-Known Member
Changes like black people becoming whole people? Nah, they screwed that one up, it’s ok to admit that.
I doubt any framer thought Blacks were less than whole people. But as Blacks at the time were considered property and not free citizens the framers didn't want to give extra clout to States with large slave populations. You want to apply your modern sensibilities to a different era. Wasn't a matter of screwing up, it was a practical compromise for that time. An amendment process allowed the Constitution to change with the times.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I doubt any framer thought Blacks were less than whole people. But as Blacks at the time were considered property and not free citizens the framers didn't want to give extra clout to States with large slave populations. You want to apply your modern sensibilities to a different era. Wasn't a matter of screwing up, it was a practical compromise for that time. An amendment process allowed the Constitution to change with the times.


Well-Known Member
Did Trump Win 2.626 of 3,141 Counties in 2016, While Clinton Won Only 487?

We've all heard the old adage, "Where you stand depends on where you stand" but
Snopes and TIME magazine presented these views of the precinct vs population allegiance to each party.

Donald Trump did win the popular vote in a significantly larger number of counties than Hillary Clinton did. Vote tallies by county differ depending on the standards used, but an Associated Press tally of the actual ratio pegged it at 2,626 to 487.

What is the import of this “bimodal divide” in voting patterns?
“Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the rest of our country?”
That point is a subjective issue, but we would note that ...
County (and city) voting totals are of no relevance in presidential elections; only state-wide voting totals count.
The legislative branch of the U.S. federal government was specifically established over 200 years ago to address this “bimodal divide” by employing a bicameral system
  • in which one chamber (the House of Representatives) represents states based on population
  • while the other chamber (the Senate) represents all states equally, regardless of population.
Repug Perception

Dimwit Perception

Would you care to carry that down to the State level, you being a fan of States Rights™?


Inordinately Right
This is exactly why I’d never make an exit post when it’s time to go.
It just shows how lame he is ... that's the best he can do, so he does him!
Hope it all works out for you friend.
be careful, I have an arsenal.
I myself have had problems with depression and self-worth issues.

I almost took my life a couple of times.

my psychologist suggested I come back on here


Retired 23 years
Really? You don’t think New York dictates American financial policy or that California doesn’t dictate environmental policy?
California just thinks it dictates environmental policy--actually the rest of the country just laughs at their CRAZY programs.


Well-Known Member
So you think they should dictate everything else? By the way check out California's tent cities, hypodermic needles spread everywhere, through the roof costs, and open door to illegal immigration and then tell me why they should dictate anything to the rest of the country.
You might want to research the opioid epidemic in white rural Murica before making a statement like that.:happy2: