Rescuing The USPS.


Well-Known Member
I suppose as long as it’s not a rural area. That is acceptable. Rural America is a lost cause. Terrible infrastructure, not dense enough, bad cell service... Plus a total profit killer for express. Should be mandatory to p1 rural deliveries.
That's painting with a very broad brush. They're not all that way. Granted, in quite a number of areas billions in raw material wealth have been hauled out of there and nothing put back in the way of the resources upon which could be built a 21st century economy but there's still quite a number where this isn't the case and people will search out them out in it can get them to a better place.


Retired 23 years
Here's the problem with the post office they are bloated and wasteful. My brother in law has worked there for 18 years and within the last two took a porter job at the mail processing plant here in Indianapolis. He works with 8 other porters on his shift. They work 8 hours a day with available overtime. In that 8 hours they only do 2 hours worth of work. They routinely nap and watch a boatload of Netflix. He makes close to $70000 a year doing this. They are a wasteful government entity. Also wanted to send a package to Hawaii. Ups wanted $68 and it would be there in a week. Took it to the post office. Put it in a large flat rate box and got it there in 3 days for $21.55. They just cant make money that way.
Good job of throwing your Brother-in-law under the bus. He is going to love you if all of a sudden his work load changes.


Well-Known Member
He won't get that reference.
Why wouldn't I? Juan Peron gained attention as the army officer who directed the rescue efforts after a major earthquake hit San Juan, Argentina. Eventually he met and married a much younger woman who became the darling of the country. And then she, affectionately called Evita, contracted and died of cancer at 33. You see Timmy, before I go anywhere I read about the history and current conditions. You make smug remarks based on your natural superiority and never seen to grasp that at the end of the day you are just another truck driver.


Well-Known Member
Heading to Argentina as soon as the travel bans are lifted.

In my part of California, I have happened upon three people who are from Argentina. Upon asking why they left, the reasons they cite are very much aligned with the same kinds of reasons why nearly all of my family have left California for other states. I don't know these Argentinians very well but they are definitely NOT poor, stupid, Argentine trash.

Why would anyone not want to live in a populous metro city in USA. Literally have everything anyone would ever want.

Because almost no matter where a person lives, they can go online and find most any material thing they want. And have it delivered to them.


Well-Known Member
In my part of California, I have happened upon three people who are from Argentina. Upon asking why they left, the reasons they cite are very much aligned with the same kinds of reasons why nearly all of my family have left California for other states. I don't know these Argentinians very well but they are definitely NOT poor, stupid, Argentine trash.
No doubt. A lot of Argentineans are very unhappy with their country. They were once one of the most prosperous nations on Earth. But if you're an expat with income from the States you can live very comfortably there on relatively little. And it has some of the most beautiful scenery anywhere. Don't go there to make a living but retirement is another thing altogether.


Well-Known Member
No doubt. A lot of Argentineans are very unhappy with their country. They were once one of the most prosperous nations on Earth. But if you're an expat with income from the States you can live very comfortably there on relatively little. And it has some of the most beautiful scenery anywhere. Don't go there to make a living but retirement is another thing altogether.

Curious. Wouldn't that make you a target for robbery? Seems like anyone who is doing okay in an area where there aren't many employment opportunities, robbery becomes the job of choice


Well-Known Member
Curious. Wouldn't that make you a target for robbery? Seems like anyone who is doing okay in an area where there aren't many employment opportunities, robbery becomes the job of choice
Argentina is safer overall than the U.S. Especially violent crime. People have jobs, but don't get paid well. But this has been going on a long time. And Argentina is close to being a developed country, but with financial problems, as opposed to being a developing country that lacks in a lot of areas.


Well-Known Member
Who gives a :censored2:.

They lose money ever G()d damn day and we keep bailing them out. What businesses loses money everyday and stays open for business ?

Remember, it’s not a business. It is a government service. Post office was on the federal budget until 1970/71, maybe they should just go back to that. They’ve cut almost 250,000 jobs in the last 25 years, closing post offices and plants is a bigger challenge. Money losing rates are also the fault of Congress, take that one up with them.

You think it’s the end of the USPS but I guarantee you that the American people won’t stand for it. They won’t even stand for a post office that serves 50 people closing up. Trump will backpedal, I guarantee it.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention the postal contract is a big deal for fedex, out at the ramp where im located the postal volume is up to peak levels, so much that we're having to charter extra flights to carry it all..


Well-Known Member
Let's put it another way. Do you think Fat Freddy would haul your first class letter from Boise to Bangor for $.55? Put a 5 to the left of the decimal point and he might think about it.
I read an interesting thing the other day, FedEx doesn't allow the USPS to fill the ULDs all the way up. and $.55 by volume is a pretty good deal you can probably fit about 500 standard size envelopes in the space of one FedEx small boxes.

I think the biggest problem is people don't use the USPS as much anymore, I can't tell you the last time I put a stamp on an envelope to send a letter. The USPS is dying, other than small parcels what do you get in the mail, Junk mail, and bills. Most bills are paid online now, and junk mailers get tossed.


Well-Known Member
Everyday our black wannabe muslim mail lady walks at one step per 5 minutes, listening to cRap music or talking on her ear bud bluetooth phone to her homies about how shatty Republicans are n sheeeit nahmeannnn. And all I can think about is how she'll never make the cut at UPS once her job doesn't exist anymore muhahaha


Well-Known Member
Everyday our black wannabe muslim mail lady walks at one step per 5 minutes, listening to cRap music or talking on her ear bud bluetooth phone to her homies about how shatty Republicans are n sheeeit nahmeannnn. And all I can think about is how she'll never make the cut at UPS once her job doesn't exist anymore muhahaha

You sound like a progressive fella. USPS doesn’t discriminate based on race or religion while hiring though I’m sure you wished they did.

You don’t need to worry though as USPS isn’t going anywhere.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
You sound like a progressive fella. USPS doesn’t discriminate based on race or religion while hiring though I’m sure you wished they did.

You don’t need to worry though as USPS isn’t going anywhere.

The USPS is what you get when you give the average Ground driver the compensation that bacha thinks he deserves.


Well-Known Member
The USPS is what you get when you give the average Ground driver the compensation that bacha thinks he deserves.
If in your opinion they're not worth that kind of money then you're not worth what you're currently getting. But then again when you had to go crawling back to Fat Freddy (lmfao) you obviously had zero bargaining power when it came to salary requests.