I just recently started reading this post. First off the OP stated HER story. You do not have to like it, read it, or be interested in it. There is a neat feature called stroll on by.
And yes if I ordered Spaghetti and meatballs, I would expected meatballs. If I did not get meatballs, yes I would throw back a perfectly good plate of sauce and noodles. Secondly the OP never said the whole chain sucked. She actually stated that she had been there many times and never had a problem.
She also has the right to infer why the service was bad. You can agree, disagree, be neutral, or say nothing, or care or read or reply. Obviously the service was bad, as she was compensated, but only of the cost, no one can replace a night out with friends, which some people rarely get. and when a night out with friends is not the warm cozy event you had planned its a loss, of precious time and money.
I love Texas Road house, I froze my ass off when I was there the other day. Does it mean, they turn down their heat since lunches cost less than dinners, and heating costs are high. Who knows shall we argue about it?
I had a lousy steak sandwich at bw3's, its a sports bar. Does that mean that most people are too drunk to notice that there were only 2 strips of beef on my hearty steak sandwich. Obviously, because I sent it back and they served the exact same sandwich to the guy next to me 10 minutes later. And he ate it. I knew it was mine, as it was toasted only half way with the exact same half moon on it. I complained yes, and I never went back to that one. But I go there for wings and its great, just not that one. Untrained staff, no supervision, lets argue it.
But it is getting to the point of petty to read some of these posts. There are several here who have great disdain for each other. Thats life. Its obvious, we all get it. Reading some of the replies is like groundhog day "the movie". Or like eating at the same bad restaurant over and over,and getting the same result, every time, yet you return. it accomplishes nothing.