Retirement Goodbyes (letters, e-mails or speeches)


Retired 23 years
I could understand local UPS management not doing anything for [B]Rod[/B] if he actually did half the things he says!

:-) Oh believe me I had my share of fun at UPS. What I liked at UPS was that when I worked you could count on a change in management about every 5 years. You knew the next center manager wasn't going to be any different but it was fun screwing with them. As far as me doing "half" the things I said I did I've never made up a story-------and I've purposely left out many.


Well-Known Member
United Parcel Service was a great place to work ... It was like family and Dad was always ready to kick you in the butt if needed.
UPS is a different place and the story as you related it was probably the exception back then but it is the norm now.
Remember, to UPS, management is just another employee except no Union to protect them.
The company stills allows some funding for retirement parties but local management is so beat up to care.
It is still up to local management.

I could understand local UPS management not doing anything for [B]Rod[/B] if he actually did half the things he says!
LOL! I"m cracking up, while agreeing and understanding everything you said.


Well-Known Member
:-) Oh believe me I had my share of fun at UPS. What I liked at UPS was that when I worked you could count on a change in management about every 5 years. You knew the next center manager wasn't going to be any different but it was fun screwing with them. As far as me doing "half" the things I said I did I've never made up a story-------and I've purposely left out many.
I totally agree and understand everything your saying too! I'm sure they were all stories were true. I doubt there's enough time to write many experiences you had. I was in the same boat I think.


Well-Known Member
forced to retire after disability,...never any recognition....after 32 yrs.,....34 yrs., was my official retirement date. I never emptied out my locker, never got the contents of my locker. By the way

i was on disability for that 2 yr. period before I officially retired. I wish all current UPS workers all the best.

I went out the same way. Got injured and stayed home for a year until I retired. No goodbye no handshake. Lock still on my locker, just some old browns and circa 1990s delivery notes inside. Help yourself.....32-22-10


Well-Known Member
I went out the same way. Got injured and stayed home for a year until I retired. No goodbye no handshake. Lock still on my locker, just some old browns and circa 1990s delivery notes inside. Help yourself.....32-22-10
LOL! I"m sure you know, they cut that lock already. I'm surprised you didn't get a call - - - - - - - for you to return the uniforms. Adios!!!


Retired 23 years
LOL! I"m sure you know, they cut that lock already. I'm surprised you didn't get a call - - - - - - - for you to return the uniforms. Adios!!!

I tried to turn in all my old Browns but my center Manager at the time said "What the friend did he want with all that?" (I had a mountain of stuff) so I took it all home and burned it in my retirement party bon-fire. It all went up in smoke except for my socks (drivers at my party wanted them).


nowhere special
I tried to turn in all my old Browns but my center Manager at the time said "What the friend did he want with all that?" (I had a mountain of stuff) so I took it all home and burned it in my retirement party bon-fire. It all went up in smoke except for my socks (drivers at my party wanted them).

Nobody asked for my old uniforms so I just stuffed them into 2 or 3 big trash bags and saved them just in case. I waited over a year then finally tossed them out.

I still found a few more hiding in the back of the closet later.


Been around the block a few times
It irks me to no end the blatant lack of respect that UPS shows its retiring employees. Some of these men and women have dedicated 30+ years to this company only to get a brief footnote at a morning PCM.
A few years ago, I approached my management team and asked if we could install some vending machines in the building. All proceeds would go toward funding retirement parties and gifts. I was told that though it was a noble idea there was too much liability involved by having the machines on the premises. Though my local center does throw retirement parties, I still feel they should do more.


cap'n crunch
I retired after an injury. No party. My wife did chunk some of my old uniforms, but on the back of my closet door....

If they want them back, they never asked for them. Never even asked for my BEST key that opens all the secret places feeder drivers go. lol.


Retired 23 years
I retired after an injury. No party. My wife did chunk some of my old uniforms, but on the back of my closet door....
View attachment 89142
If they want them back, they never asked for them. Never even asked for my BEST key that opens all the secret places feeder drivers go. lol.

Even after all these years (15) I still have a key for the UPS building and could get into any letter box if they haven't changed the combination on them --I'm guessing they haven't. I tried one on the street out of curiosity about 8 years ago and it still opened. I suppose my truck door key is worthless now.


Well-Known Member
I tried to turn in all my old Browns but my center Manager at the time said "What the friend did he want with all that?" (I had a mountain of stuff) so I took it all home and burned it in my retirement party bon-fire. It all went up in smoke except for my socks (drivers at my party wanted them).


Well-Known Member
LOL! I"m sure you know, they cut that lock already. I'm surprised you didn't get a call - - - - - - - for you to return the uniforms. Adios!!!
I got 1 call from my manager after I was collecting my pension for 6 months. He wanted to know if or when I would be coming back to work. No one knows I retired but me......I should probably tell my wife soon. After 2 years it's getting difficult finding places to hide.


cap'n crunch
Ever once in a while I will call the feeder dispatcher on duty. Most of them are new and don't recognize my voice. When they pick up the phone I say "I'm not feeling good today. I'll call back tomorrow and tell you how I feel then. Give me option #3." They usually go "Wait! Who is this?" Then I hang up.:devil2:

Keeps them on their toes.


Well-Known Member
Ever once in a while I will call the feeder dispatcher on duty. Most of them are new and don't recognize my voice. When they pick up the phone I say "I'm not feeling good today. I'll call back tomorrow and tell you how I feel then. Give me option #3." They usually go "Wait! Who is this?" Then I hang up.:devil2:

Keeps them on their toes.
I think I like you.


Nine Lives
It irks me to no end the blatant lack of respect that UPS shows its retiring employees. Some of these men and women have dedicated 30+ years to this company only to get a brief footnote at a morning PCM.
A few years ago, I approached my management team and asked if we could install some vending machines in the building. All proceeds would go toward funding retirement parties and gifts. I was told that though it was a noble idea there was too much liability involved by having the machines on the premises. Though my local center does throw retirement parties, I still feel they should do more.
Seems like the Teamsters would be the one giving the retirement party.
The drivers paid them $20,000 plus over a 30 year career ... UPS has already paid a driver over $3 million over a 30 year career.


Well-Known Member
It irks me to no end the blatant lack of respect that UPS shows its retiring employees. Some of these men and women have dedicated 30+ years to this company only to get a brief footnote at a morning PCM.
A few years ago, I approached my management team and asked if we could install some vending machines in the building. All proceeds would go toward funding retirement parties and gifts. I was told that though it was a noble idea there was too much liability involved by having the machines on the premises. Though my local center does throw retirement parties, I still feel they should do more.
In a nutshell, that was just BS about the liability. I heard from one of our vendors, there is an agreed split on the profits from those machines. The split is not always the same, building to building. Which is how the whole question came up. Point being; if the split is good, who cares about the liability issue. To make matters worse. I find it difficult to believe, your manager didn't know this.
It's all about the money. In essence - you were asking the company to give up some money!!

How long have you worked there?????????????