Go big orange
No conscience, huh?No, I have not. I do not relive the past, I try to learn from it.
I guess that explains your fascination with APWA. Seeing how you enjoy stabbing your brothers and sisters in the back
No conscience, huh?No, I have not. I do not relive the past, I try to learn from it.
No conscience, huh?
I guess that explains your fascination with APWA. Seeing how you enjoy stabbing your brothers and sisters in the back
No conscience, huh?
I guess that explains your fascination with APWA. Seeing how you enjoy stabbing your brothers and sisters in the back
Trying to divde and conquer the members, absolutely! Instead of taking the easy way out, lets get a slate together and take control of the ibt and attempt to fix your concerns. That would be for the greater good of all ups teamsters here now and retired. But your a group of selfish whiners who only care about yourselves. I myself care about all my fellow upsers p-time and friend-time and have always put myself last, because theres strength in numbers. Cant wait for you to visit chicago maybe i can get some answers to the questions that you apwaers keep dodging.oh we the supporters of the APWA are the ones stabbing others in the back?
I guess having our pensions, benefits and representation pulled away from us isn't back stabbing? Nothing we stood and walked the strike lines in '97 is still there for us. We would have been on strike right now had the company done all this to us but because the reamsters did it you make it ok. What a load of crap.
that is why there is alot of support for the apwa in my neck of the woods. change is inevitable, either take part or watch the train roll by.oh we the supporters of the APWA are the ones stabbing others in the back?
I guess having our pensions, benefits and representation pulled away from us isn't back stabbing? Nothing we stood and walked the strike lines in '97 is still there for us. We would have been on strike right now had the company done all this to us but because the reamsters did it you make it ok. What a load of crap.
people who fail to plan, plan to fail. And lets not for get if the teamsters were doing there job in the first place they wouldn't be in this position or I should say we wouldn't be in this position. You also say you care about all upser's, if that is true what other options do we have besides these two groups.Trying to divde and conquer the members, absolutely! Instead of taking the easy way out, lets get a slate together and take control of the ibt and attempt to fix your concerns. That would be for the greater good of all ups teamsters here now and retired. But your a group of selfish whiners who only care about yourselves. I myself care about all my fellow upsers p-time and friend-time and have always put myself last, because theres strength in numbers. Cant wait for you to visit chicago maybe i can get some answers to the questions that you apwaers keep dodging.
I never stab into the back. Only the front.No conscience, huh?
I guess that explains your fascination with APWA. Seeing how you enjoy stabbing your brothers and sisters in the back
Trying to divde and conquer the members, absolutely! Instead of taking the easy way out, lets get a slate together and take control of the ibt and attempt to fix your concerns. That would be for the greater good of all ups teamsters here now and retired. But your a group of selfish whiners who only care about yourselves. I myself care about all my fellow upsers p-time and friend-time and have always put myself last, because theres strength in numbers. Cant wait for you to visit chicago maybe i can get some answers to the questions that you apwaers keep dodging.
Their money is in CS, but when we met with Van & Danny they said, the could buy into the insurance for $300.00 a month I believe is what they said.Well, what about our brothers and sisters already retired?
You have to have 5 yrs. to be vestedWhat about those nearing retirement?
20 and up is more reasonable to inquire about imho.What can we expect with 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? 20 years? 25 years?
Can we retire at any age?
Is our retirement guaranteed?
What about insurance?
What about dissability?
What about the rest of the contract?
Vacation time?
Sick time?
Grievance procedure?
Cardinal sins?
Seniority rights?
New technology?
New equipment?
Big Brother?
Strike benefits?
How long will it take to get a contract?
Will yall try and organize FedEx?
How much money do I need to give to be regional manager?
Can someone trump me?
How much money is UPS donating?
What did UPS promise the two supreme leaders?
So if the APWA won the right to be the CBA, and got everyone a better pension etc...then those that wanted to stay with the Teamsters now would be the one's "stabbing in the back" eh?
Cole maybe you might have the inside info on the apwas plan to get us a better pension? Please explain.
I heard a song on the radio oneday which was a satire from Tom Pettys, ' the waiting is the hardest part, except it said, "Ned Beatty had the hardest part". LOL He'll never live that part down, no matter what movie.
Yes i am. My sec treasurer took over this local that was in the hole, we were in hoorible shapewithin 1 year we were making monry, within 2 years we the upsers got a pension increase.Hey Red, are you saying that if we got a group (slate) of UPSers together to head up a union, that we could fix the problems that we face today?
Oh, only if that group is within the IBT.1
Yes i am. My sec treasurer took over this local that was in the hole, we were in hoorible shapewithin 1 year we were making monry, within 2 years we the upsers got a pension increase.
I dont endorse the apwa, i endorse electing another upser to the ibt to fix it.I'm glad you endorse the plan of the APWA!
We will have a union made up completely of UPSers and we can fix the coruption and mismanagement that we are facing in the IBT. If it can work on a local level it can work on a national leval.
Thanks for your support!
You just agreed on another thread that UPS Teamsters are weak! And now you claim we can clean up the IBT.I dont endorse the apwa, i endorse electing another upser to the ibt to fix it.
As a whole we are and you know it. Thats not to say we have good union upsers, but the problem is alot of upsers only care about being union when it benefits themselves. How many upsers do you know that attempt to make thyeir own side deals? Why dont you answer the hard questions about your apwa pension, dues, how much will van and danny get paid?You just agreed on another thread that UPS Teamsters are weak! And now you claim we can clean up the IBT.
How many different sides of your mouth do you have my friend.
Is it wong to ask to see the plan? Remeber the teamsters are the incumbents you have to show your cards to win support.
We WILL do the following for our people that have 30 or more years. UNDERSTAND THAT THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS ARE IN ADDITION TO WHAT YOU WILL GET FROM CENTRAL STATES. Your spouse will enjoy the same benefits that you do for life or until they remarry without ANY additional charges.
Hope that helps clarify it some.The following is for our people who have 25 or more years of service. You may enjoy the above benefits but IN ADDITION we can offer:
We will pay a pension of $1,000 a month for life for an additional 5 years of service. We will pay a pension of $2,000 a month for life for an additional 10 years of service. We will have medical insurance for $300 a month per COUPLE. We will let you keep ALL the insurance you had while working simply by paying the same amount that the company was paying on your behalf.
The following is for our people who have 20 or more years of service. You may enjoy the above benefits of the 25 and 30 years of service people but in addition we can offer the following:
- We will pay a pension of $3,000 a month for life for an additional 15 years of service.
- Your pension will start retaining cash value on the 15th year thereby paying your estate at least $200,000 upon you and your spouse's demise.
THE FOLLOWING IS FOR NEW HIRES AND UP. You may enjoy ANY of the 20, 25, or 30 year benefit plans but in addition we can offer the following.
- You will have a 15 and out at any age with full benefits.
- You may opt to take up to a $100,000 pay out and still have a pension.
- There will be a 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 year and out at any age with full benefits.
- There can be a lump sum pay out up to $300,000 in addition to a pension.
- There will be a 30 and out at any age for $7,000 a month.
- There will be a COLA attached to your pension.
I was just there looking at it, the math doesnt add up cole. Say ups pays $214 a week xs 52 weeks = $11,128 xs 30years = $333,840 at $7000 a month = 47 monthly payments, what happens if i live more than 4 years and thats not including the lump sum payout of $300,000 when you retire. Please correct me if im wrong but if that doesnt sound more like our ie departments kind of math, it just doesnt add uo.Absolutley not my friend. First as stated repeatedly, the mechanics that work for UPS that are not in the Teamsters, but are in the Machinists union, get roughly $6,000.00 a month in retirement with the same exact pension contributuions as UPS gives the Teamsters on our behalf. How is it they get that out of the same, but the Teamsters come way off that mark?
Not trying to be a smartass here, especially to you, but we all know the monumentous amount of corruption in and connected to the Teamsters, so imho "there's strange things afoot at the circle K" (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure).