Retro check is in!


Well-Known Member
Is it the First Pay day in July or the First pay Period in July??????

"The company EXPECTS the back pay to be issued the first pay period of July."
Really good point, they could ride that technicality train an extra week. I don't think its in their best interest, though. They already will be in the third quarter.

H.E. Pennypacker

Mmm, Mombasa!


Well-Known Member
The manual calculations delay seem like a load of crap. Last time around they overpaid millions and within 5-7 days, knew exactly what each employee owed back. That was back when there was a dollar raise at your 90day mark. This time around it seems more cut and dry, but they obviously owe much more back this time around. What a crappy delay.

They could have just thrown something out there early on and fixed it like the last time around. I still sense they'll delay things and still have the pay be wrong.


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The manual calculations delay seem like a load of crap. Last time around they overpaid millions and within 5-7 days, knew exactly what each employee owed back. That was back when there was a dollar raise at your 90day mark. This time around it seems more cut and dry, but they obviously owe much more back this time around. What a crappy delay.

They could have just thrown something out there early on and fixed it like the last time around. I still sense they'll delay things and still have the pay be wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Well like 6 yrs ago we also recieved back pay check end of June
End of May actually. May 23rd to be exact. Now I don't remember off hand when that contract was officially agreed upon. I want to say early May. But They DID NOT drag this back pay on then. It just sort of happened mid week 2-3 weeks after ratification.

Now they did have over and under payment issues. So if you want to give them any benefit of doubt, they're trying to get it right the first time, this time around.