Retroactive checks


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this has already been discussed but does anyone know how I can calculate the amount my retroactive check is supposed to be.
We'll need your old pay-rate new-pay-rate hours worked and overtime worked. Pretty simple after that



Well-Known Member
I think he means the amount of time it takes to get the grievance paid, im waiting on one of mine going on 3 months
I mean i guess i look at grievances the same i look at the retro, nothing but a little forced savings.
also thats from last year, here grievances usually get pay around November.
Does anyone know if my retro check will include this past peak season? I was working under the old contract making the lower wage even though I was suppose to be making what the new contract was offering after August 1st of 2018. I got hired on after peak season and I am 100% positive that I will get a retro check from my hired date to the end of April when the new contract was ratified.


Just a turd
June is here you can hear those retro checks being printed
Not according to local 89