Rick Perrys Greatest Hits! This will be good!

Trplnkl, spouting inaccurate and frankly made-up statistics is pretty low on "the totem pole" :wink2:

You are a Rick Perry hugging, haves -have nots, class separation loving, no shame Republican. ;)

Embrace it.


Sorry pal, nothing made up. I did unintentionally overstate the "little over twice", although some areas did support that but not overall. Should have said nearly twice as much. Percent increase to maintain standard of living: 48.69%.

Your analysis of me as a "Rick Perry hugging, haves -have nots, class separation loving, no shame Republican" is wrong too. Just so you know, I have voted against Perry twice for governor. But is it comes to it, I will vote for him against zer0bama.

my source was Bankrate COL calculator

Compare Living Cost in Texas

Texas Ranks 2nd in overall cost of living.
You can get a lot of house for your money in Texas!

Texas Cost Of Living Statistics

Apartments-$715 per month - Utilities- $105 per month
Electricity - 9.21 cents KWH - Gas Prices - $3.42 per gallon (09-14-2011)
State Sales Tax: 6.25% - 8.25% (depending on local taxes)
Gasoline Tax- .20 cents per gallon
Diesel Fuel Tax - .20 cents per gallon
Cigarette Tax - $1.41 per pack of 20
Income Taxes - None

Cost of living comparison calculator
Change the values below and refresh listing to view the comparison.
City you are moving from:
City you are moving to:
Enter your current income:$ ( I used $ 20k because it is below the poverty line)

Equivalent income in the city you are moving to: $29737.50.
Percent increase to maintain standard of living: 48.69%.
(Sorry the columns didn't line up well)

Product Lubbock TX Metro Boston-Quincy MA Metro Div. Difference
Home Price $236,558.33 $418,700.00 $182,141.67
Payment + Interest $948.08 $1,697.85 $749.77
Apt. Rent $644.93 $1,491.67 $846.74
Lipitor $149.81 $142.70 $7.11
Total Energy $119.76 $237.43 $117.68
Doctor Visit $91.28 $149.00 $57.72
Optometrist $90.00 $91.45 $1.45
Part. Electrical $73.95 $104.91 $30.97
Dentist Visit $72.26 $103.02 $30.76
Washer Repair $57.07 $87.00 $29.93
Other Energy $45.81 $132.52 $86.71
Vet. Services $38.71 $63.93 $25.22
Beauty Salon $33.40 $44.00 $10.60
Women's Slacks $26.73 $48.99 $22.26
Men's Shirt $25.73 $37.99 $12.26
Phone $22.86 $38.32 $15.46
Boy's Jeans $16.96 $36.32 $19.37
News Paper $14.95 $26.67 $11.72
Hair Cut $11.47 $16.00 $4.53
Tire Balance $10.78 $11.40 $0.62
Pizza $10.50 $8.66 $1.84
Dry Cleaning $10.19 $11.57 $1.37
Ibuprofen $9.28 $8.59 $0.69
T.Bone Steak $9.24 $11.01 $1.77
Beer $8.81 $8.22 $0.59
Movie $8.75 $10.87 $2.12
Wine $6.80 $9.26 $2.46
Cascade $4.71 $5.75 $1.04
Bowling $4.09 $4.67 $0.58
Parmesan Cheese $3.53 $3.59 $0.06
Coffee $3.32 $3.71 $0.39
2-pc Chicken $3.28 $3.91 $0.63
Cereal $3.14 $4.90 $1.76
Hamburger Sandwich $3.14 $4.14 $1.00
Potato Chips $3.05 $3.30 $0.25
Orange Juice $3.00 $3.43 $0.43
Sausage $2.99 $4.22 $1.23
Canola Oil $2.96 $4.47 $1.51
Ground Beef $2.71 $3.88 $1.17
Gasoline $2.58 $2.78 $0.20
Toothpaste $2.47 $2.66 $0.19
Frozen Meal $2.30 $3.11 $0.81
Sugar $2.24 $2.36 $0.13
Half Gal. Milk $2.22 $2.23 $0.01
Tennis Balls $2.21 $3.57 $1.36
Peaches $2.02 $2.54 $0.52
Potatoes $1.83 $3.56 $1.73
Klennex $1.72 $2.00 $0.28
Dozen Eggs $1.40 $2.00 $0.59
Coke $1.28 $1.47 $0.20
Lettuce $1.24 $1.86 $0.62
Frozen Corn $1.16 $1.44 $0.28
Bread $1.11 $1.59 $0.48
Shampoo $0.99 $1.00 $0.01
Fried Chicken $0.89 $1.43 $0.54
Sweet Peas $0.83 $1.37 $0.54
Margarine $0.80 $1.31 $0.51
Tuna $0.78 $1.21 $0.43
Bananas $0.52 $0.73 $0.21
Mortgage Rate (%) 4.95% 5.06% -0.11

BTW, the cost of living in Dallas vs Lubbock are higher.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that many people vote for a candidate simply because of their religious views??? I hardly think so. It may be a small factor though. I'd be willing to bet more people will vote against someone because of their religion than the other way around.
But then on the other hand you have said you don't vote anyway, so anyone's religion is a moot point.

I agree with Mencken's thoughts on politicians. His take on knowingly preaching a false doctrine while correct, I've no evidence that any of the candidates are "demagogues".

Don't want to distract from the COL discussion but just quickly, yes I think in some respects they do. America is wrapped so tight with religious faith that if 2 candidates were running for the same office and one candidate was perfect down the line except he/she was an atheist and the other candidate was so/so but one of faith, the one of faith would win. Gallup polling data supports this conclusion. Typical responses here to an atheist or agnostic POV would seem to also follow those numbers as well. So on that point, faith does matter.

If religious beliefs and thinking were not such a big deal in the first place, why do so many candidates make a point to either openly play to various religious groups or make a point of their personal belief in god? Why go speak to various christian groups for example? Sure, it's a numbers game and thus the point because numbers become voters on election day. If religion and a candidate person position was not a factor, then why does an organization like PEW Research have a section devoted purely to Religion and Public Life? If religion is so much a lesser issue as you suggest, then why did PEW consider the religion angle in the heat of the 2008' Presidential Primaries? In fact, here are all the PEW articles from the 2008' campaign and scroll down and look at how many had a religious angle to them. I'll admit I was even surprised.

If you don't think religion at some level is not played too, you might be far underestimating the "power of god" in politics.

And as to my amputee question,


But it get's even better. And man is now creating life itself. If lowly man can take compounds and put them in the right environment and from this create life........sure raises a lot of interesting questions.


Look at what I pasted in the previous post...average TX cities are 80% to 95% of the "average" cost of living for the U.S. That is all that needs to be said. You are misleading the argument by picking one of the wealthiest areas of the U.S...not sure why you picked Boston, actually.


Für Meno :)
and lets see and what happens when they update that standard of living next year after this :

Texas Drought, High Demand = High Food Prices?


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Farmland has turned to blowing dust and the crops have failed. Forecasters predict the drought will last at least through November.
The lack of water has also kept farmers and ranchers from growing hay in their pastures.

The hay shortage is forcing them to either pay exorbitant prices for hay trucked in from other states or to sell off much of their livestock.

"It's just tough. It's financial and emotional at the same time. We've probably got $500,000 to $750,000 impact of loss of sales," said Dick Bumstead, the owner of a farm in Huffman, Texas.
"This goes right down the food chain into the grocery store and the people in Houston who live in the condos," he added.
Experts say it will take years for ranchers and farmers to recover.

The Texas drought is the worst on record for a single year and has so far cost $5 billion.
Agriculture makes up almost nine percent of the Texas economy.

And now they say a return of El Ninja is on it's way for this winter - means less percepitation for the south, and more for the north ( a repeat of last years winter).- But my guess it, it will keep house prices down, so still be somewhat cheaper for housing in Texas.
Last edited:


and lets see and what happens when they update that standard of living next year after this :

Texas Drought, High Demand = High Food Prices?


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Farmland has turned to blowing dust and the crops have failed. Forecasters predict the drought will last at least through November.
The lack of water has also kept farmers and ranchers from growing hay in their pastures.

The hay shortage is forcing them to either pay exorbitant prices for hay trucked in from other states or to sell off much of their livestock.

"It's just tough. It's financial and emotional at the same time. We've probably got $500,000 to $750,000 impact of loss of sales," said Dick Bumstead, the owner of a farm in Huffman, Texas.
"This goes right down the food chain into the grocery store and the people in Houston who live in the condos," he added.
Experts say it will take years for ranchers and farmers to recover.

The Texas drought is the worst on record for a single year and has so far cost $5 billion.
Agriculture makes up almost nine percent of the Texas economy.

And now they say a return of El Ninja is on it's way for this winter - means less percepitation for the south, and more for the north ( a repeat of last years winter).- But my guess it, it will keep house prices down, so still be somewhat cheaper for housing in Texas.

Unlikely. This winter looks to be a weak La Nina, perhaps even a low-end moderate Nina. Infact region 3.4 is forecasted to cool through January in some models down to moderate.
Look at what I pasted in the previous post...average TX cities are 80% to 95% of the "average" cost of living for the U.S. That is all that needs to be said. You are misleading the argument by picking one of the wealthiest areas of the U.S...not sure why you picked Boston, actually.

Look at what I posted. I figure my sources are as credible as yours. I picked the area I live in vs. Boston Mass metro area basically because there are several posters on BC from that area. If I had known what area you lived in I would have used it, Razors Edge wasn't one of the choices. You're way too quick to suggest I am being disingenuous with my research, you pick a "move to" spot outside of Texas and I'll do a comparison if that area is on the list of choices. Better yet, YOU do the comparison.

Bottom line : Texas Ranks 2nd in overall cost of living. SOURCE

Yes, some people in America will vote a candidate solely based on religion. I think we can say that as fact.

Never said no one did, sure some do, I just don't think it's as big a deal as y'all are making it out to be. Again, neither of y'all vote for anyone, so what.

Some people vote for a candidate because of their race, some because the candidate looks good in a suit.


Did you eat your fact chex today?

State % paid hourly rates at or below min wage Food in- secure, % Median income, 2010, $ % w/out health ins % in poverty

United States.................... 6 14.6 49,445 16.3 15.1
Texas .......................... 9.5 18.8 47,464 24.6 18.4

Those are very scary numbers, given TX median income is NEARLY the U.S. average. Chilling...keep believing that liar Perry, honestly. I can't give you any more concrete evidence than the above.


Never said no one did, sure some do, I just don't think it's as big a deal as y'all are making it out to be. Again, neither of y'all vote for anyone, so what. Some people vote for a candidate because of their race, some because the candidate looks good in a suit.
I am still making a choice by not voting, which is equally important. You are right, which is why it is important not to vote, but to speak the truth so others can make a more appropriate vote. ;)


Well-Known Member
Never said no one did, sure some do, I just don't think it's as big a deal as y'all are making it out to be. Again, neither of y'all vote for anyone, so what.

Some people vote for a candidate because of their race, some because the candidate looks good in a suit.

True enough and then some people vote purely on the matter of party affiliation. I can't speak exclusively for Sleeve but yes in my case I have no intentions of giving out my vote. It's my property in effect to do with as I please so I intend to withhold it's use by others who only misuse for their own purposes and never solve a damn thing or make anything better. Would you insist I give up my hard earned money on a clearly inferior product that everyone deep down in those most honest moments will admit won't make a damn difference. One side votes for their guy not really for the purpose of solving problems or making life better but just to make sure the other guy who they've been conditioned to fear doesn't get the office. And then the people who vote for that other person have likewise been conditioned on fear to vote just for nothing more than to keep your guy out. The reality is, regardless who wins the election, very little really changes but because you've been conditioned with so much fear, your guy is still a saint to their guy's devil incarnate.

The problem is, many can't or refuse to grasp that refusing to vote is an action of voting in itself. In an election primary with numerous candidates to pick from, I might look at candidates 1-9 and pick to vote for candidate 5 as the absolute best possible candidate. But in my decision process I determined the worse possible candidate to vote for was candidate #2 however it was candidate #2 who won the primary election and obtained the nomination. Now I can't see a dime's worth of difference between the incumbent and the nominee opponent Candidate #2 but you are going to insist I pick one or the other anyway just so in your mind I have some false illusion of a right to complain? Doesn't the fact your system is so tightly controlled and will rule over me regardless of my consent give me grounds enough to complain if I so chose? If I were allowed to completely and voluntarily opt out of all aspects and impact from you political system, you might have a very logical and rational compliant here but by the very nature that regardless of my unwillingness to support an election process or it's outcome, is your forcing me to do so not an act of authoritarianism? How are you any different from the hardcore socialist or communist who would use state power to achieve their ends in forcing me to their will?

Voting IMO only makes any real difference at the most local level and at the smallest possible scale. It is only at this level that a gov't form is allowed it's greatest reach because at this level both gov't and the people are it's closest to one another. Both can watch each other, enjoy the greatest transparency and have the freedom to react using the best solution to the most real circumstances. If you do find it necessary to resolve some mental need in going to the polls, then go but take the ballot they hand you and immediately walk over and turn in that blank ballot. Yes, you just voted for the best possible candidate of all, Mr. None-of-the-above!

Don't proclaim yourself a proponent of freedom and liberty is you deny me my right to exercise my right to vote or my right not to vote for the candidate(s) of my choice!


True enough and then some people vote purely on the matter of party affiliation. I can't speak exclusively for Sleeve but yes in my case I have no intentions of giving out my vote. It's my property in effect to do with as I please so I intend to withhold it's use by others who only misuse for their own purposes and never solve a damn thing or make anything better. Would you insist I give up my hard earned money on a clearly inferior product that everyone deep down in those most honest moments will admit won't make a damn difference. One side votes for their guy not really for the purpose of solving problems or making life better but just to make sure the other guy who they've been conditioned to fear doesn't get the office. And then the people who vote for that other person have likewise been conditioned on fear to vote just for nothing more than to keep your guy out. The reality is, regardless who wins the election, very little really changes but because you've been conditioned with so much fear, your guy is still a saint to their guy's devil incarnate.

The problem is, many can't or refuse to grasp that refusing to vote is an action of voting in itself. In an election primary with numerous candidates to pick from, I might look at candidates 1-9 and pick to vote for candidate 5 as the absolute best possible candidate. But in my decision process I determined the worse possible candidate to vote for was candidate #2 however it was candidate #2 who won the primary election and obtained the nomination. Now I can't see a dime's worth of difference between the incumbent and the nominee opponent Candidate #2 but you are going to insist I pick one or the other anyway just so in your mind I have some false illusion of a right to complain? Doesn't the fact your system is so tightly controlled and will rule over me regardless of my consent give me grounds enough to complain if I so chose? If I were allowed to completely and voluntarily opt out of all aspects and impact from you political system, you might have a very logical and rational compliant here but by the very nature that regardless of my unwillingness to support an election process or it's outcome, is your forcing me to do so not an act of authoritarianism? How are you any different from the hardcore socialist or communist who would use state power to achieve their ends in forcing me to their will?

Voting IMO only makes any real difference at the most local level and at the smallest possible scale. It is only at this level that a gov't form is allowed it's greatest reach because at this level both gov't and the people are it's closest to one another. Both can watch each other, enjoy the greatest transparency and have the freedom to react using the best solution to the most real circumstances. If you do find it necessary to resolve some mental need in going to the polls, then go but take the ballot they hand you and immediately walk over and turn in that blank ballot. Yes, you just voted for the best possible candidate of all, Mr. None-of-the-above!

Don't proclaim yourself a proponent of freedom and liberty is you deny me my right to exercise my right to vote or my right not to vote for the candidate(s) of my choice!

okay okay, you have a right to complain, but don't you dare cast that blank ballot!..

and so on..
Did you eat your fact chex today?

State % paid hourly rates at or below min wage Food in- secure, % Median income, 2010, $ % w/out health ins % in poverty

United States.................... 6 14.6 49,445 16.3 15.1
Texas .......................... 9.5 18.8 47,464 24.6 18.4

Those are very scary numbers, given TX median income is NEARLY the U.S. average. Chilling...keep believing that liar Perry, honestly. I can't give you any more concrete evidence than the above.

They don't scare me at all, they are just a bunch of cluttered up numbers. The columns didn't line up on mune either, but at least you could tell what they represented. I can't make heads or tails out of this mess.

I didn't get any of my info from Perry.
True enough and then some people vote purely on the matter of party affiliation. I can't speak exclusively for Sleeve but yes in my case I have no intentions of giving out my vote. It's my property in effect to do with as I please so I intend to withhold it's use by others who only misuse for their own purposes and never solve a damn thing or make anything better. Would you insist I give up my hard earned money on a clearly inferior product that everyone deep down in those most honest moments will admit won't make a damn difference. One side votes for their guy not really for the purpose of solving problems or making life better but just to make sure the other guy who they've been conditioned to fear doesn't get the office. And then the people who vote for that other person have likewise been conditioned on fear to vote just for nothing more than to keep your guy out. The reality is, regardless who wins the election, very little really changes but because you've been conditioned with so much fear, your guy is still a saint to their guy's devil incarnate.

The problem is, many can't or refuse to grasp that refusing to vote is an action of voting in itself. In an election primary with numerous candidates to pick from, I might look at candidates 1-9 and pick to vote for candidate 5 as the absolute best possible candidate. But in my decision process I determined the worse possible candidate to vote for was candidate #2 however it was candidate #2 who won the primary election and obtained the nomination. Now I can't see a dime's worth of difference between the incumbent and the nominee opponent Candidate #2 but you are going to insist I pick one or the other anyway just so in your mind I have some false illusion of a right to complain? Doesn't the fact your system is so tightly controlled and will rule over me regardless of my consent give me grounds enough to complain if I so chose? If I were allowed to completely and voluntarily opt out of all aspects and impact from you political system, you might have a very logical and rational compliant here but by the very nature that regardless of my unwillingness to support an election process or it's outcome, is your forcing me to do so not an act of authoritarianism? How are you any different from the hardcore socialist or communist who would use state power to achieve their ends in forcing me to their will?

Voting IMO only makes any real difference at the most local level and at the smallest possible scale. It is only at this level that a gov't form is allowed it's greatest reach because at this level both gov't and the people are it's closest to one another. Both can watch each other, enjoy the greatest transparency and have the freedom to react using the best solution to the most real circumstances. If you do find it necessary to resolve some mental need in going to the polls, then go but take the ballot they hand you and immediately walk over and turn in that blank ballot. Yes, you just voted for the best possible candidate of all, Mr. None-of-the-above!

Don't proclaim yourself a proponent of freedom and liberty is you deny me my right to exercise my right to vote or my right not to vote for the candidate(s) of my choice!

All that sounds really cool to be a rebel against the man, the system and the whole process. But it's a fact you can't opt out of the effects of the system unless you move out of the country, by doing that where ever you go there will be some sort of government, You have to either travel on roads built by the government or stay in one place or trespass over someone's private property. Sure you could live out in the woods, grow your own food, dig you own well etc. but at some point you will have to interact with society and that puts you smack dab in the middle of government in some form. It's been that way ever since the first colonies were established and even before that. I understand you want a society that is totally free, live as you please with no one telling you what, how or when. It aint gonna happen, here or anywhere. I suspect that even if we could become a totally free society, there would be such a mess that no one would be happy with that either.


golden ticket member
All that sounds really cool to be a rebel against the man, the system and the whole process. But it's a fact you can't opt out of the effects of the system unless you move out of the country, by doing that where ever you go there will be some sort of government, You have to either travel on roads built by the government or stay in one place or trespass over someone's private property. Sure you could live out in the woods, grow your own food, dig you own well etc. but at some point you will have to interact with society and that puts you smack dab in the middle of government in some form. It's been that way ever since the first colonies were established and even before that. I understand you want a society that is totally free, live as you please with no one telling you what, how or when. It aint gonna happen, here or anywhere. I suspect that even if we could become a totally free society, there would be such a mess that no one would be happy with that either.

I think you can come pretty close to it in the deserts of Barstow or Baker. It's like "The Hills Have Eyes" out there. Scary stuff!


Strength through joy
To all that are withholding their votes does that apply to local elections as well ?

I enjoy local elections, I tend to never vote for anyone seeking re-election and a favor anyone who lists their current occupation as retired.
What is needed in gov't is less career minded people and more people with common sense knowledge.