Trplnkl, spouting inaccurate and frankly made-up statistics is pretty low on "the totem pole"
You are a Rick Perry hugging, haves -have nots, class separation loving, no shame Republican.
Embrace it.
Sorry pal, nothing made up. I did unintentionally overstate the "little over twice", although some areas did support that but not overall. Should have said nearly twice as much.
Percent increase to maintain standard of living: 48.69%.
Your analysis of me as a "Rick Perry hugging, haves -have nots, class separation loving, no shame Republican" is wrong too. Just so you know, I have voted against Perry twice for governor. But is it comes to it, I will vote for him against zer0bama.
my source was Bankrate COL calculator
Compare Living Cost in Texas
Texas Ranks 2nd in overall cost of living.
You can get a lot of house for your money in Texas!
Texas Cost Of Living Statistics
Apartments-$715 per month - Utilities- $105 per month
Electricity - 9.21 cents KWH - Gas Prices - $3.42 per gallon (09-14-2011)
State Sales Tax: 6.25% - 8.25% (depending on local taxes)
Gasoline Tax- .20 cents per gallon
Diesel Fuel Tax - .20 cents per gallon
Cigarette Tax - $1.41 per pack of 20
Income Taxes - None
Cost of living comparison calculator
Change the values below and refresh listing to view the comparison.
City you are moving from:
City you are moving to:
Enter your current income:$ ( I used $ 20k because it is below the poverty line)
Equivalent income in the city you are moving to: $29737.50.
Percent increase to maintain standard of living: 48.69%.
(Sorry the columns didn't line up well)
Product Lubbock TX Metro Boston-Quincy MA Metro Div. Difference
Home Price $236,558.33 $418,700.00 $182,141.67
Payment + Interest $948.08 $1,697.85 $749.77
Apt. Rent $644.93 $1,491.67 $846.74
Lipitor $149.81 $142.70 $7.11
Total Energy $119.76 $237.43 $117.68
Doctor Visit $91.28 $149.00 $57.72
Optometrist $90.00 $91.45 $1.45
Part. Electrical $73.95 $104.91 $30.97
Dentist Visit $72.26 $103.02 $30.76
Washer Repair $57.07 $87.00 $29.93
Other Energy $45.81 $132.52 $86.71
Vet. Services $38.71 $63.93 $25.22
Beauty Salon $33.40 $44.00 $10.60
Women's Slacks $26.73 $48.99 $22.26
Men's Shirt $25.73 $37.99 $12.26
Phone $22.86 $38.32 $15.46
Boy's Jeans $16.96 $36.32 $19.37
News Paper $14.95 $26.67 $11.72
Hair Cut $11.47 $16.00 $4.53
Tire Balance $10.78 $11.40 $0.62
Pizza $10.50 $8.66 $1.84
Dry Cleaning $10.19 $11.57 $1.37
Ibuprofen $9.28 $8.59 $0.69
T.Bone Steak $9.24 $11.01 $1.77
Beer $8.81 $8.22 $0.59
Movie $8.75 $10.87 $2.12
Wine $6.80 $9.26 $2.46
Cascade $4.71 $5.75 $1.04
Bowling $4.09 $4.67 $0.58
Parmesan Cheese $3.53 $3.59 $0.06
Coffee $3.32 $3.71 $0.39
2-pc Chicken $3.28 $3.91 $0.63
Cereal $3.14 $4.90 $1.76
Hamburger Sandwich $3.14 $4.14 $1.00
Potato Chips $3.05 $3.30 $0.25
Orange Juice $3.00 $3.43 $0.43
Sausage $2.99 $4.22 $1.23
Canola Oil $2.96 $4.47 $1.51
Ground Beef $2.71 $3.88 $1.17
Gasoline $2.58 $2.78 $0.20
Toothpaste $2.47 $2.66 $0.19
Frozen Meal $2.30 $3.11 $0.81
Sugar $2.24 $2.36 $0.13
Half Gal. Milk $2.22 $2.23 $0.01
Tennis Balls $2.21 $3.57 $1.36
Peaches $2.02 $2.54 $0.52
Potatoes $1.83 $3.56 $1.73
Klennex $1.72 $2.00 $0.28
Dozen Eggs $1.40 $2.00 $0.59
Coke $1.28 $1.47 $0.20
Lettuce $1.24 $1.86 $0.62
Frozen Corn $1.16 $1.44 $0.28
Bread $1.11 $1.59 $0.48
Shampoo $0.99 $1.00 $0.01
Fried Chicken $0.89 $1.43 $0.54
Sweet Peas $0.83 $1.37 $0.54
Margarine $0.80 $1.31 $0.51
Tuna $0.78 $1.21 $0.43
Bananas $0.52 $0.73 $0.21
Mortgage Rate (%) 4.95% 5.06% -0.11
BTW, the cost of living in Dallas vs Lubbock are higher.