I attended the tdu conference on friday night, they had several workshops on being a better steard and labor law rights. Both were very well run and informational, i walked away with some more knowledge than when i walked in so i believe it was worth it. I stayed for the dinner and after dinner they should a 10 minute video on the 97 strike. Like many in the room i felt that solidarity again and remembered everyone that came out in support of us, from the other unions to our customers and even the media knew that OUR fight was not just for us. Our fight was for all of labor to stop greedy ceo's and executives from keeping the wealth for themselves. We as upsers walked that line to put a stop to a part-time america that was spiraling out of control. We stood together with all of america behind us to get what we the current upsers and our future upsers deserved. I was p-time in 97 and we had no friend-timers at my sort, over 160 ptimers and alot of us were working 35 to 50 hours as ptimers. Then we received $55 a week to live off of, and then ftimers came to help us, they made sure we had money to eat they would bring food, pop, cofee, and for what? Because they stood for a cause, now some will say it was soley for the pension, but the guys that helped me and others did it because we the p-timers were getting screwed. We received the long over due ftime jobs, because we didnt have ptime bills, gas, electric, etc in short we all suffered a little to gain and i beleive that 97 was a huge win for us the upser and organized labor as a whole.
Everything we gained in 97 has been for nothing if this contract passes! We sacraficed weeks of pay, we ran up our credit to make due just so we could raise our families with good morals and provide them with the best. Today we chance to lose all of these because i believe that hoffa has sold us out to ups! Many on here do not like carey, and thats fine but dont blame the cs pension on ron, good only knows how it would have turned out if the government never framed him, maybe the money wouldnt have been so heavy in the tech market when it crashed? But say what you will ron carey had the biggest set any union leader has ever had, and we benefited from that, similar to hoffa sr, he didnt do everything legal, but he did it to benefit the teamsters. Maybe one day a carey will run again and rebuild the teamsters, until then we need to tuck our tails between our legs and just take it!