Why was it good judgement to post that lie? This is the problem many people have with you leftists. You feel like you can use anything to justify your position even if it is not true. I'm supposed to somehow defer my judgement to you because you feel you should have the best judgement for everyone and are willing to lie to make a point. This, of course, is not limited to just you but is a pattern by people from your view.
It on the surface seems like a fair question. If you do not have good enough judgement to not lie about something meaningless why should I trust your judgement about something larger like health care, campaign finance, or manufacturing? In my opinion when you lie about the little things you tend to lie about the larger things and you obviously demonstrated poor judgement with your lie on here so I see no reason to trust your judgement on health care or manufacturing.
Oh and I'm not a libertarian so I don't really see a need for you to keep claiming that I am. I'll defer to libertarians to defend what I see as your misstatements about them.
You certainly sound illogical enough to be a Libertarian. And yes, I'm a "leftist" who believes in the death penalty, rides ATV's and operate other evil machines that defile the environment. I also support the right to keep and bear arms and am a strong supporter of the police. None of these synch with the leftist stereotype, yet you label me as one. And I don't claim my judgement is any better than yours....all of this is my opinion, which is not binding by law the last time I checked.
If you're a Republican, you are just as screwed-up as a Libertarian. Remember, that's my opinion, not a judgement. Keep working on your reasoning skills. Courses are available at your local community college if they'll let you in.
And I don't claim my judgement is any better than yours.....
.I can't believe they trust you flying an airplane, because that requires good judgement. Oh, and I've been flying for over 20 years, so my judgement must be fairly good
If you're a Republican, you are just as screwed-up as a Libertarian.
Oh I just assumed it was OK with you to just make things up since that is what you did.
Pardon me if I'm having a bit of trouble following the debris trail here. You're all over the map, so when you calm yourself and regain some sense of reality, get back to me. Clearly, you're incapable of debate.
OK Let me try and make this as simple as possible for you.
1) You claimed Paul never got more than 7% of the vote in any election.
2) I asked you if you thought 21% was greater than 7%
3) You posted blah, guns, blah, community college, blah, pilots license, blah, death penalty, blah, libertarian, blah, republican, blah, blah, blah, map, blah, reality
You're having trouble following the debris trail? Join the club.
1. No. I clarified my statement to distinguish between primaries and the general election.
Late learner!Ron Paul on Piers Morgan as I type this.
He dodged the question about Health Care for the poor. Not good.
Ron Paul on Piers Morgan as I type this.
He dodged the question about Health Care for the poor. Not good.
I am not sure what he said but if you took government out of the health care markets there would be more health care resources to go around. That would equal more health care for the poorer in our society.
The primaries are the only elections going on right now. If you are claiming that if Paul got the nomination that he would only get 7% of the vote against Obama you are living in an alternate reality. More blah, blah, blah from you.