As for this critique of libertarianism being a sore spot, knock yourself out if you want to hang your hat on this. Atkins spoke of fallacies which may be of some truth but he needs to look in the mirror. For one, many "libertarians" are non-theist in their own right so he has a problem already with the theocracy allegation. Secondly, he errors in assuming all libertarians are of a rightwing libertarian bent in the same manner as Ron Paul and there again is not the case. For one, there is a large presence of
left libertarians which I guess Atkins failed to give consideration of. If Atkins doesn't like beltway libertarianism, geez, get in line with many, many libertarians. Even the likes of Stefan Molyneux and Wendy McElroy, solid voices of the libertarian/anarchist movement, have been more than vocal against the Ron Paul political movement but not because it's behind the reasons for Somalia.
And since Mr. Atkins raised the issue of Somalia, I won't raise his sore spot libertarian excuses but I will point out something he should have pondered had he even understood libertarian and anarchist theory. The warring faction in Somalia are fighting in order that they may control the reins of power. Their intent is to use the means of force to compel others against their will so they can benefit their own self interests. You know, like the many variety of statist in Washington do at any given time. Like the ones the very people and system that Atkins would defend as somehow righteous. Mirror, mirror on the wall!
But now to the real point on Somalia that the statists always fall back on when they want to critique in a negative way, anything libertarian or anarchist. What so many of these "SMART" people always fail to mention is the complicit actions on the part of our own gov't in causing the crisis in Somalia to begin with. Thanks to Evergreen University,
a list was complied of United States interventions from Wounded Knee to Libya (1890-2011) and if one like Mr. Atkins would do his homework, he would know that we intervened for starters in Somalia from 1992' to 1994' and then again since 2006' when it sided with forces from Ethiopia to overthrow what was then an Islamist gov't. Maybe not what we would like but it was a gov't none the less and now since then in the ensuing chaos (I did not use anarchy because the term means no ruler) in which factions are trying to be rulers, folks like Atkins always jump to the straw man of let's blame this on the libertarians and anarchists.
To show further how little Atkins does his homework, he never mentions the fact that Somalia is a major
CIA Black Op site so it begs the question, would a nation in utter turmoil be the perfect cover to keep prying eyes out of their business? A Somalia with even a crummy nationstate gov't might still prove itself problematic but oh wait, maybe that was the reason to eliminate the Islamist gov't it had in the first place. Now who is the real racist and theocrat? Somalia is a result of nationstate meddling and intervention and not the birth throws of a freedom and liberty movement.
Tell Mr. Atkins if he's not ready to run with the big dogs, like his other counterparts here, he should keep his arse on the porch or better yet hide under it!
Or as TOS would say,